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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I Emailed Donna awhile back about joining this CAL. Daughter's wedding and Baby Arden got everything on the back burner. I have 15 squares done and am using Lt. Frost green, Aran and a pale berry color. I bought the berry several years ago at Odd Lots on clearance. Here's hoping I have enought to finish all my squares!

Such fun to read and compare my progress with others! And to have the insight into the dreaded trinity stitch!

Hubby even likes this afghan, although it is promised to my daughter, Megan. Maybe I will have to make him one later on.

When I was frogging the dreaded trinity stitch I thought this groups's name should be chaanged to "cuss along!" :bang


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another member to add to the list. Currently I am doing the chevron relief stitch. I have lost count of how many times I have undone this square. I knew I was doing the FPDC correctly as I have already done the horizontal relief stitch but it just wasn't looking right. After rereading the pattern for the upteemth time I realised it should be under the sc stitch. Now it looking right but my counting can be out sometimes..:cheer this time I will succeed. My other problem is with raggy edges. In knitting I know there are various methods to correct this problem...are there similar solutions in crochet?

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Oh my God Elvee...dont scare me:eek Thats my next block..lol I hope I can through this...let me know how it turned out..That was funny...the "cuss along" ..hhahha


If you have Donna kooler's Encyclopedia of crochet, she has a diagram of the stitch which helped. Also in an earlier post Donna has a tutorial. Now I am on the granny sqare looking one with clusters. Ugh, having to draw a diagram to figure this one out!:think


The trinity stitch wasn't that hard after I finally figured it out. I think I will use it to make scarves with plush yarn. :manyheart It is actually a cool looking stitich when done properly!


e-mail me off list and I will hold your ciber hand thru it!:hug



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I am new to crochet so sometimes the instructions in this book are like doubel dutch to me. Having just finished the chevron relief stitch after undoing several million times, I realise you really need to read the instruction carefully.


I am now doing the Arch stitch and it seems simple enough but the last instruction on row 1, has me confused.


*across to last 2 chns, dc in last 2 chs: 5 ch-2 sps.


so at the end, as I am reading it, I ch 2 after the final 3 stitches which are dc and then I make 2 dc in the 2 chs? what does 5ch-2 sps mean?

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I do not have my book here at work with me to read the full instructions, but from what I think - Once you finish the 2 double chains in the 2 chain spaces, if you look back and count, in the row you just finished there are 5 spaces that were made by a chain of 2 - i.e. if the instructions said DC, ch 2, DC in third sp you would see 5 open spaces because of the ch 2

Does this explain it better?

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Hello Everybody! :hug


I'm happy to say that I've been making "steady" progress (even though I've been having sizing problems!!!). "Steady" meaning going at my own pace and really focusing on what I'm doing. I'm still learning and sometimes it's hard to notice what I'm doing wrong. Anyway, I'm not a bit discouraged by that and really having a good time doing my squares :manyheart. Well, I'm about to finish my third!!! I think is a big acomplishment (considering that I've been crocheting for a couple months and I'm self-taught). :hook

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Woooo hoooo....I am on block number 13 and i'm doin pretty good.They have been quite easy till now and i am enjoying myself very much. I don't find it boring because even though it's so many blocks ,they are all different. I guess that's the part that keeps it interesting. keep it up "63 squarers"lol



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  • 2 weeks later...

I see this CAL started quite awhile ago but since I just joined Crochetville and discovered this project -- I'm in! I've had the 63 squares book for a long time. I originally bought it as a stitch reference guide. However, seeing the CAL I realized it's a perfect project to do while I'm sitting in my car waiting for my daughter to get out of school. I'll have at least 1/2 hour for around 180 days this school year to make steady progress! Wish me luck! ;)

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I just got that pattern book from my sister (she had 2), I am planning on making one when I finish my Christmas projects. I know it kinda late, I had to cordinate with my mother as she is knitting mittens and socks for the kids ( I don't knit). Anyhow that is my plan will keep you up to date.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I started this afghan on June 19. I have just finished square number 53 (I'm doing them in the order they appear in the book) and am running out of gas, people! How can I be so close and feel like I am sooooo faaarrr awwwaaaay from finishing? I am so afraid to set it aside and work on something else, because if I do that the chances are very, very high I will never come back to finish it. I carry my work bag with me everywhere I go, but sometimes the thought of starting the next square makes me queasy.


Send in the cheerleaders! And kick my behind while you're at it! (I know there's a Wannabe thread, but I don't really qualify for that, IMO, because I haven't actually set it aside yet.)

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You are sooooo close! Just tell yourself you can start something really fun and cool as soon as you finish this. I know it took me a long time, but most of it was done in the winter time...ok, go drool over some crochet magazines and leaflets, even buy some cool yarn for your next project as an incentive but DONT, I REPEAT DONT start anything until you are done with it. You will be so proud when you are done, and if it is for yourself (I know I couldn't give mine away if I had to after all of that work) you will get to look at it every day, not to mention use it every night....it is very warm!!!

I know it's tedious....I got very tired of my husband saying "what square are you on now: Aren't you done with that thing yet?" but now he likes to show it off to friends when he gets the chance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having the hardest time with square # 37. I can't seem to get it done and it's about the only one out of 50 that I can't get past. I feel there is something wrong with the instructions because if I put the fpdc as said , when I come to the front where the popcorns are, i get the fpdc in the back. I have done this square over 5 times already and it's getting frustrating. Can anyone please tell me if you are having a problem with this square.Thanks.:(

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That's another one thats not quite doing it for me . I've had to frog mine seems like a thousand times already. I finally got # 37 done. I just made bpdc instead of fpdc and it turned out great. I was emailed of another person here who was having the same problem and what she did was , when she was finished, she just popped the popcorns out to the other side...lol. kool.

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After reading about all of you raving about this book and this CAL, I went out and decided to join.


My grandma, the one who taught me how to crochet, was diagnosed with cancer again in her lungs. Im making her the afghan as an "comfortghan" gift for christmas.


Ive already completed square one and Im about halfway through square 2. Will post pics as soon as I take them.


Here is a link to my album with my yarn and completed squares.



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Yayyyy :cheer I finally got those 2 squares done. I secluded myself and turned tv and everything off so I could concentrate and I finally did it....Now ....time to finish my last 9 squares.:c9

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It says I need a password....

Glad to have you along, by the way. I started on my very last square last night (it's one I'm having to redo because I couldn't get it right the first go 'round). I'm going to work like a madwoman to get this thing stitched together and edged this weekend, because I'm really ready to be finished with it.


After reading about all of you raving about this book and this CAL, I went out and decided to join.


My grandma, the one who taught me how to crochet, was diagnosed with cancer again in her lungs. Im making her the afghan as an "comfortghan" gift for christmas.


Ive already completed square one and Im about halfway through square 2. Will post pics as soon as I take them.


Here is a link to my album with my yarn and completed squares.



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:headache:morcoffee:help:blinkOy! I've spent the better part of the day whipstitching the squares together into strips. I've done five and have two to go, then I have to join the strips, then do the two rounds of edging. My back and neck are KILLING me! I posted somewhere else that I hoped to have this thing completed this weekend...not a chance of that happening. What an optimist I was!


If ever I decide to make this afghan again, I will make the squares in the order they appear on the strips, then join the squares as I go. I think that would break up the process a bit...I'm so tired from just what little I did today.

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