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Problem with logging in etc

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I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same problems as me accessing various items on the 'Ville. Dont seem to have access to the wish list and ROAK threads anymore plus I dont seem to be able to post replies in threads automatically anymore even when I repeatly have to keep logging on. HELP!

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I don't know what kind of connection you have (ie:broadband, cable, dial-up, wireless card). Occasionally I'l have problems with my wireless card depending on the area that I am in and heavy useage of cell towers.


Anyway, did you try to clear your cookies and cache? Sometimes that helps. I'm not real computer savvy so somebody else may have a better suggestion.

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someone else was having this problem recently. if you had put your post in Board Help it will have been seen by the mods easier, perhaps you should PM AmyS and ask for help :)

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All is well again - all access has been resumed as magically and mysteriously as it went. Just soooo glad to have normal service.

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