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Favourite Crochet Tip

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Thank you so much Auntie Kellie---you are very sweet! I just look at everything this way --I am made the way I am everyone is unique so a pattern is just a guideline to give you a base to make your own unique item!! Did that make sense? :yes

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Hmmm-great tips. My tip-clothes pins. Use them for everything. Holds pieces together that you want to connect. Put in loop to keep work from unraveling. Lots of other ways that don't come to mind right now. I keep a handful in my work bag.

Love the Russian join. Do the wax paper. Anyone know about sharpening your scissors by wadding up some aluminum foil and snipping at it? That works, surprisingly.



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If you don't have wax paper handy - scratch your head with the hook and the natural oils from your hair will smooth it out.


Get a bunch of gift bags from the $ store. Carry your project in one of those. They always look nice, people really don't even notice you're carrying one and you already have the bag ready for when you finish your project.

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Wow! Lots of great tips. Here are mine:


1. The invisible fasten off: http://www.crochetcabana.com/tutorials/invisible-finish.htm

Invaluable. And invisible.


2. If you have somehow miscalculated and made a blanket too small, add a border. It looks more interesting, and makes it bigger.


3. Don't be afraid to frog it. I have spent so many hours struggling through a project that I didn't like at all, hated the yarn, and just wasn't having a good time. With the exception of gifts for others, you don't HAVE to make anything. It's supposed to be fun. So if you don't like it, cut the yarn and make it a coaster. :P And make something you like. :D

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