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Felting grump

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So I see all these great things that people have felted, and I unfortunatly can not :( I am highly allergic to wool, I can not even use blends that have the smallest amount of wool in them, so there is no way I would be able to crochet with 100% wool!!!! Is there any other fiber out there that can be felted?

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I am dealing with the same issue.


Now someone told me to grab a pair of surgical gloves and put the wool in a ziplock and work with it that way. I haven't tried it yet, but I am extremely tempted. I want to felt in the WORST way.

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I made a really nice felted hook case for my mother for her birthday.......she gave it back to me after a few days, because of her allergy to the wool - even after it was felted!

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Thank you for all the responses!

my symptoms: Hives, horrible itch and rash, this is only experience from direct contact with wool for about 10 min. I have not tried longer because I am really not the curious to find out!

Well I at least have a have options to try before I completely give up! Thanks!!!

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As I understand it, only animal fibers would felt well. You can also try buffalo or yak, but that's pretty expensive. I would think that alpaca or llama would be your best bet to try. I don't know if your wool allergy would extend to the other animal fibers. . .


Good luck!

Linda Y

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