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Woo Hoo Hooked on Crochet! June 2007

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I just bought this at a grocery store near my other job. I bought it for one pattern. It's so cute! You get a lil 5 inch teddy bear, and crochet a butterfly or fly outfit for it!


I started making one right away. A butterfly of course. I'm going to give it to my mom. And DS asked for one right away. I may try to find a pattern for a 5 inch bear to crochet, instead of buying a ready made one.


They are so cute! little outfit, with a hat that has antennas, and lil booties!!! :cheer

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WoW!! YEa, in my town I will be lucky to see it by christmas...lol...

Crochet mags are HARD to come by here in Iowa....

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that's too bad. I know here, usually all the stores have the exact same ones, that hardly ever has anything good. It drives me a bit nutty that there are 10 quilting magazines, a few knitting mags, and tons of scrapbooking mags, and only 1, maybe 2 crochet magazines.


Crocheters need to protest. Demand more crochet magazines in stores!!!! Revolution!!!! lol just kidding...........

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that's too bad. I know here, usually all the stores have the exact same ones, that hardly ever has anything good. It drives me a bit nutty that there are 10 quilting magazines, a few knitting mags, and tons of scrapbooking mags, and only 1, maybe 2 crochet magazines.


Crocheters need to protest. Demand more crochet magazines in stores!!!! Revolution!!!! lol just kidding...........


I agree and we should scream loud & clear. There aren't that many crochet magazines yet tons of knitting ones. And the ones that are available are not only scarce but they are being merged with other crochet magazines. Plus the fact that they really need to up-date the pattern selections. I remember when (I'm aging myself now) there were at least a dozen or more crochet magazines and each with something different. Now there's less than a handful and all have the same basic things in them. And with the new mergers about to take place, those numbers will be cut in half! We do need to protest loud & clearly.

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I completely agree. There are scrapbooking, woodworking, quilting, knitting, even model airplane building magazines.....and I have a hard time finding even 1 crochet magazine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I have made a suggestion online, to our local grocery store chain! I just mentioned all the stuff mentioned above, never any good crochet mags, and tones of knitting, scrapbooking and quilting mags.......let's hope it works!!!


last time i made a comment online to this store, they gave me a gift certificate for $15, becuase of weird, poor service i recieved at their store.

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