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Out of the mouths of babes...

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Yesterday, my hubby and I were eating dinner with our nephew, who's 9, (whom we had picked up from school for my SIL) and he was asking all these questions about the bar signs and lights we have all over our walls in the family room, and he asked DH what he collects, and DH said, "well, everything you see here." Our smarty pants nephew looked around and saw my WIP scarf and yarn on the couch and asked, "well, do you collect STRING?" I smiled and jumped in, "I DO!" and laughed. (And DH agreed, "yes, she does.") I told our nephew he could come look at my collection if he wanted. He declined. :lol


String!! LOLOL!!! I was shamed by a 9-year-old. :blush

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:lol :lol I guess a lot of us collect "string", LOL! Thank you for sharing this story. I guess I'll never look at my stash the same way again, LOL!
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I take my crocheting everywhere. A few years ago, I went to my sister's and my niece (6 YO then) dumped out my bag, and asked "What are you making now?" The yarn balls went all over the couch. We laughed, and her sister said "Auntie Ellie, it looks like rainbow spagetti." LOL

Ellie 13

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I take my crocheting everywhere. A few years ago, I went to my sister's and my niece (6 YO then) dumped out my bag, and asked "What are you making now?" The yarn balls went all over the couch. We laughed, and her sister said "Auntie Ellie, it looks like rainbow spagetti." LOL

Ellie 13


I love it! Rainbow Spaghetti! Very clever! :yes

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