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the frugal lighted hook???

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LOL, Well I am letting the 'cat out of the bag ' so to speak...............I am frugal.


Instead of buying a lighted hook, I have been using one of those little 'finger lights' that you can find around the registers My husband bought it, so I am not sure what he paid for it somewhere between 1 and 4 dollars I believe. anyway, I put it on my thumb of my yarn holding hand ( ie, not the hook hand LOL) and it works out rather well LOL.


The way I figure it, what I have saved on it ( until my hubby wants it back :blush ) I can buy another skein of yarn .:devil

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Every time I check out at Walmart, I see these lights and "think" about getting one, but never do. I WILL get one next time I'm there now that I know they work! I did order 2 lighted hooks and they should be here any day, but still will try the little finger light too. My teen daughter likes everything crocheted in BLACK and I need all the light I can get when I work on her stuff!!


You are not the only frugal one here!!

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I have found them (on several visits) at the checkout aisles! They are in a small box with all the other stuff they try to get you to buy at the last minute, in the checkout aisles!

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