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My roommate is going to Costa Rica this summer!! Need your ideas!

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Ok...so my new roommate got accepted into a program to goto Costa Rica to do charity work in an orphanage. She's a social work major so as you can imagine she is ecstatic.


Here is where I need your ideas!


After watching me complete my summer halter, she asked me to teach her to crochet! (Yeh! I knew it was coming!) She will have a lot of free time there, and in addition, she will be staying with a host family there, and it is traditional to bring gifts for the family. I thought it would be really nice to bring a hand made gift!!


So, what do you think would be an easy project that could be a gift for the family, for a beginner? She has until July, and I am teaching her as soon as school is out. I was thinking maybe a granny square afghan or something....not sure though :think


Oh, and in exchange for me teaching her...she is going to bring me back some hand-spun yarn from Costa Rica!!!! :drool:mail

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A light, simple afghan is a good idea. I say light because isn't it usually warm there most of the year?

Kitchen stuff. A cute dress or other kind of children's clothing if she's staying with a family with kids. A wrap for mom....

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I would have to second the kitchen accessories idea. They're pretty AND they're useful, too. Perfect gift, I'd say. :U

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I went to Costa Rica for a month there, too. They're such nice people. I'd suggest a -light- afghan, like others have said. It's really warm and humid there. Kitchen stuff would be great, too.

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