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A lot of crochet at Boutiques

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I am on vacation but I just had to post. it has been so exciting. there are so many tiny botiques around here and *** is there ever the crocheted garments. Obviously the trends are moving to more crochet but I have seen some beautiful crocheted pieces here.

well I have to get off the inlaws pc now but I just needed to talk crochet hahaha

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I was at Seattle Center last weekend, and I was quite pleased to see people wandering around with crocheted jackets! :yay I also saw some crocheted items at Macys as I was passing through. I thought to myself when I saw the crocheted stuff... I can make that if I tried!! :hook

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I remember hearing something on the news once not too long back about how crocheted accessories like scarves, hats, and other things were sort of "in fashion" at the moment. I think I heard about that last fall.

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It never goes totally out of style..its cyclical, and currently in vogue. Right now, it's cool to crochet and knit (again). If you notice in your own area, small stores are popping up where 15 years ago they were closing down due to malls (New Jersey) and chain craft stores (Michaels, Rag Shop, Joanns, AC Moore). At the little shops, you get personal service via lessons, and friendship via free stitch nights. The yarns are usually more specialty and thusly pricier, but the customer attention can't be matched in the large chain stores.

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