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I wish I had a dress form...

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Nah, this isn't part of a wish list, or anything...I just discovered that I should probably invest in one one of these days as I continue designing lingerie and other wearables...I just wish they weren't so gosh darn expensive. Even on eBay, they'd be $60, including shipping. Well, that's actually a great deal, since at JoAnn's they're normally $229, and online they're $129. There aren't any on Craigslist in my area, nor are there any at shopgoodwill.com. :dreaming Ah, well, garage sale season is beginning, so maybe I'll have luck with a decent one.

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hmmm...thank you...I didn't think of checking with any art schools...there's Columbus College of Art and Design, as well as OSU, both within minutes of my house. I'll definitely have to check them out. ;)

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You also might check if there are any clothing stores going out of business in your area. I know it's maybe not as easy to find these as some of the other suggestions, but I have gone to going out of business sales before and they were selling everything from the hangars to the dress forms they used to display the clothing.

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Oh, wow, Zeropixie! That's a great link! Maybe I'll see if I can get my friends to help me make one in a couple weeks...I'll have to wait until the secret pal swap is over because I have to use my spending allowance on that first, since the deadline is coming up. Wow, after I saw the prices of the store-bought ones, I even wondered if there was a way to make one, but I was thinking it'd have to be papier mache...Well, paper packing tape works even better!! (and less messy!) :dance:dance:danceI owe you big :2hugand lots of :flower.


Bookchick: Yeah, I thought about going to local clothing shops, but I haven't found any that are going out of business...There's a Christian book store that is, but they didn't have mannequins or anything--they just hung their t-shirts on hangers. Though, I may call my MIL and see if she can check for me, since she only lives a mile away from it...thanks for the idea, though. ;)

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is that the one for duct tape? Craftser isnt working for me atm, ill try again later - Ive also seen it dont in some sort of paper tape.

Ive seen some done like that then she covered it in a jersy tube and fitted it to the body - looked professional - she added a old chair bottom to the botom so she could wheel it around - it was on a blog somewhere, Ill have a look after to see if I can find it.

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is that the one for duct tape? Craftser isnt working for me atm, ill try again later - Ive also seen it dont in some sort of paper tape.

Ive seen some done like that then she covered it in a jersy tube and fitted it to the body - looked professional - she added a old chair bottom to the botom so she could wheel it around - it was on a blog somewhere, Ill have a look after to see if I can find it.


Paper tape, the duct tape forms don't hold up very well and are gummy after a while. From what I have seen the paper tape gets nice and hard and if you put a t-shirt on it you will be able to pin your fabric to it.

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