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Sharing my lost stories

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I just had to share the items that I heard about latley with you. I knew you would all understand. My step-dad and husband just didn't get it.

1st story

The lady next door to us (husband and I) has known my family for years. She knew I crochted as she did also. Recently she got sick and the greedy son of hers put her in a home without telling her. She just told my parents how her son through everything out and that she had bags and bags full of yarn. And boxes of Wool she just bought!!!! Tons she said. :( Do you feel my pain all in the trash!


2nd Story

The nieghbor lady across from my parents recently also went in a home. She gave my parents permission to go in and take whatever they wanted. They came and told me she had a sewing machine, tons of material and craft items. The next day my father was suppose to pick it all up for me. He forgot and come Saturday they had an ESTATE Sale!! It's all gone :faint


oh well... just had to share because I keep thinking about it.

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