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Thank You

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I just want to thank all of the wonderful members of the 'ville for the support and congratualtions in regards to the music themed afghan I designed for DD band to raffle off. I was inspired by what I had seen here to make the effort to design an original and finish it in time for them to raffle itoff at the concert. As a thank you I have posted the pattern and links to the graphs in the original patterns section here is the link to the thread http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=47256 again thank you for the support and inspiration:hug

the proposed date for the raffle is early May

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Oh wow! Thank you so much for sharing this pattern with us.


I think you could sell it, honestly. It's really awesome (or awesome possum, as my daughter would say). I better save the pattern quick, lol!

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