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Setting Eyelets

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Ok, I'm almost finished with my first felted purse. :jumpyay My problem now is trying to set the eyelets for the straps. I've got the eyelets and the handy dandy eylet setting tool and a hammer, but I can't seem to make it work. I tried to follow the directions on the package, but I pounded on it like a mad person and accomplished little more than a nasty bruise on the tip of my thumb.:thumbdown Can someone pleeeeeeease help me?? :ty

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LOL....I was using a hammer, I just hit my thumb instead of the eyelet setter thingy. I bought it at walmart today, there are two pieces and the instructions on the back of the package were vague at best, so I don't really know what goes where to make them set properly.

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I had the same problem when I made the Well travelled bag I think. When I first tried I achieved nothing but a sore thumb as well. What I ended up doing was using my scissors and making a slight hole for the eyelet to rest in, and then smashed it with the hammer. I think the main problem is that the eyelets do not have a sharp enough edge to go through the felt. Once I made the hole, everything worked well.


Good luck

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the best was to set an eyelet in a felted bag is to take a large knitting needle or screwdriver (as bg as the eyelet) and push through the fabric to make a hole. Work it till is is as large as the eyelet then work the eyelet witht eh shaft into the hole.

I've never had a problem setting one. Just make sure you are on a very hard surface that has no give when you pound with the hammer. I use the concrete floor (covered with a towel) in my garage

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