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need a CPC volunteer, please


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We recently (read: yesterday) changed Crochet Pattern Central to a database. It's not suppose to look a lot different to any visitors, but now all I have to do (behind the scenes) is add info in windows and click a button instead of copying and pasting things into various HTML windows and then writing it all down so I could manually take New! buttons a month later. I'm happy! :wow :woohoo


(Oh, and guess what...now we can know exactly how many unique links CPC has. Over 5000!!! A few are stitches and how to's, but most of those are individual patterns.)


Would somebody (or a couple somebodies, it doesn't matter) mind doing a favor for me? I'm not sure if we have everything fixed or not as far as the e-mail, so if somebody would send me a "test" letter from my Contact Form that would be appreciated. :mail You don't have to write a book...it can even be a one-liner like "Test from Sally" (or whatever your name is). I'm not going to name anybody in particular because I don't want you to feel obligated.


For some reason my Extreme Tracker isn't working...althought that's nothing we can test. CPC should have had around 1000 unique visitors yesterday but it was stuck at 350-something. Today, we would usually have 200-300 by now, but there's only 1. Hmmm...I wonder if it's my problem or theirs. :blah


Anyway, thanks!!! :)


a happy Rachel


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I would like to thank Amber, Rebecca, Tiff, and Dot SO much for helping me!! All of your e-mails came through fine...unfortunately, there's a glitch at the moment and I can't reply to you all. Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow.


Ooops...so I'm dumb. I probably can reply. I'll just log in the webmail way instead of my usual POP3 Thunderbird (a program like Outlook Express).




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