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I recently ordered a pattern through e-patterns.com. To make a long story short, I was having some problems with it, and came here to the 'ville to get advice, and very kindly, Darski helped me A LOT.

In the meantime, I had e-mailed the e-patterns people and given them some information about the problems I was having, and I expected to hear from them in a few days-by e-mail. Much to my surprise, they CALLED me yesterday-A LIVE PERSON, answered my questions, gave suggestions, knew exactly what I was talking about, and was just so nice to talk with.

I was amazed that this company would have REAL people available to TALK to their customers. For just this reason, I'll be using e-patterns again. :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer YAY! for e-patterns!

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Very cool!! I just ordered a pattern from them last week for a vest for my mom. I did a test swatch and it seems to be going well. (I did have to re-read one line about 4 times, but that was me, not the pattern...) Nice to know if I do get stuck that I'll be able to get help.

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I recently ordered a pattern through e-patterns.com. To make a long story short, I was having some problems with it, and came here to the 'ville to get advice, and very kindly, Darski helped me A LOT.

In the meantime, I had e-mailed the e-patterns people and given them some information about the problems I was having, and I expected to hear from them in a few days-by e-mail. Much to my surprise, they CALLED me yesterday-A LIVE PERSON, answered my questions, gave suggestions, knew exactly what I was talking about, and was just so nice to talk with.

I was amazed that this company would have REAL people available to TALK to their customers. For just this reason, I'll be using e-patterns again. :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer YAY! for e-patterns!


You definitely had a better experience with e-patterns than I did.


The night I discovered them I sat and browsed through their patterns and I found a dozen that I really wanted right then and there. I purchased the patterns, downloaded them, and my computer would not read them. I emailed them and contacted their customer service department, and I never heard from them at all. I contacted them three or four times but nobody ever got back to me. It was literally a waste of almost $30 for me. I wasn't even that upset at losing the money, although being on a fixed income it wasn't the best thing that could have happened to me. But the patterns I chose were ones that I thought were absolutely gorgeous (there were a few afghans, a sweater or two and a couple of holiday items) and I was crushed that I wasn't able to use them. It was so long ago, maybe they have changed their program so that my computer will now be able to read them, but I'm kind of afraid to t ry it and find out. I don't want to lose any more money. :no



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