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Doily Rug

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I don't have any pictures, the porch doilies are home and I am in CA. I used a porch doily book from Annies attic. It was about 4 years ago. I need to make some more. I have also uses just the first 10 row or so of any doily that looked like it would make a cute doily. Kind of like when you make snowflakes out of the middle of a larger doily. I can't wait to see yours finished.

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I would just love to see a close up of that. that's THE doily I want to make for my little corner shelf!!!!! I know it's a copyrighted pattern but a close up look should be good for me!


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, with cherries and all the good stuff on top.

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oh no. yet another thing I want to make lol! its gorgeous! and I like your seahorse too! where'd you get the pattern? I gotta try that... but remind people to remove their muddy boots! (I did have a white rug at my door. note ... did...)

thanks for sharing, hope you'll post pics when its done!


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