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Oh Beth, I'm sorry to hear that. I think sitting at the stupid ER is just as painful as the shingles! :(


I'm glad he went to work today but I sure hope that he can get through it. My 13 year old niece had them last year. We were totally surprised.


Where does your dh work? Hopefully they'll be understanding about him being in pain.

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Your poor DH! I sure hope he feels better soon. I've never had shingles, but I hear it's miserable.


As a funny (sorta) side note: I caught chicken pox when I was 26 from a friend of my grandmother's who had shingles. I caught it during my Christmas break (I was a grad student at the time, as well as a TA), and I had my first outbreak on the first day of classes. I didn't go to the doctor until the end of the day, and I taught earlier that day, so it turns out I passed along my chicken pox to several of my students who also had not had it as a child.


I was quarantined for 10 days, and miserable the whole time, so I empathize! Best of luck to you both.

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dh works in a sales job and his employer is just great. He did not have to wait long in the er. He went to the desk and they ask what was wrong. He told her his chest hurt and before he knew it they had him wired up, poked for blood and IV started. The er here is very good about not letting people sit and suffer. He was there and back in less than 2 hours and they are always busy. dh just came home and is very tired but seems to be in good spirits. We are taking it one day at a time. now if he can just sleep tonite. have been up for 4 nites and i have to work tomorrow. Thanks for all your good wishes and support. we will be needing it.

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I had the shingles when I was 12 years old. Dr. said I got it from babysitting a pair of little kids with chicken pox (which I thought was safe to do, considering I'd had CP when I was 5). The rash stretched around my left side from mid-back to mid-sternum and I remember I couldn't put on a bra or wear anything but loose t-shirts and sweat pants because I was in such pain. Hope your husband is on the mend soon.... lots of Calamine lotion and Aveeno baths!!!!!!

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