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Felting Newbie...


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OK, so I have some truly beautiful 100% wool yarn that I am itching to make something out of, and I would really like to try felting, but I don't have a washing machine and am at home with my little ones during the day so I don't have much time to go back & forth to the laundry room in our apartment complex....are there any other ways of felting projects rather than using the washer?? I heard something about using a pot of boiling water, but don't know how to go about doing that....And, if the pattern has more than one piece (like a bag), should I attach all the pieces together first and then felt, or should I felt then attach the pieces???



Thanks so much!!



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Well, I don't know about the water thing, but depending on the look you want for your item, either form of attachment works. I've done pieces in the round, in one solid piece, and it came out fine. I've sewn things together beforehand, then felted, and I've felted, then sewn together, causing a different type of texture. It just depends on how you like it.

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well, i haven't tried felting yet, but here's the link i found to try it with a pot of water: knitting.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=knitting&cdn=hobbies&tm=2&gps=90_9_1212_647&f=10&su=p445.92.150.ip_&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//gfwsheep.com/felting/felt.html


sorry for the long url... :blush


good luck!

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