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Now you KNOW it's the HEIGHT of fashion if David Beckham's wearing it! :lol


I was just going to bed last night, putting my laptop away (I keep it in a drawer in the living room), and as I looked up, there's David Beckham on TV, wearing a green crocheted hat. It was kind of a rasta-type hat, but it was most DEFINITELY crocheted.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Now I just have to wonder... did he BUY it from somewhere or did somebody make it especially for him?:think

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Hey, maybe his wife made it for him? Who knows. But I'll bet crochet hats become more popular now. We'd better have our hooks ready.:hook

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I'm sorry, but the image of POSH SPICE crocheting something is just BIZARRE! :lol


But you're right. You just know that some guy was watching that same show last night thinking "I gotta get me a hat like that!" :yes

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Maybe he bought it somewhere I know a week to two ago it was on my AOL page that crochet hats are in style right now and they had a pic of a guy modeling one. If my memory serves me correct Victoria(Posh) said she doesn't crochet or knit. I wish I could remember where I read that from. I was a huge fan of hers during her Spice Girls days and I still am she is an awesome person.

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