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My darling wonderful sweet hubby ordered me a drop spindle from ebay! So I'll probably have a million billion questions once it arrives. *g*


I've googled some sites for instructions and saved them...


Is there anything I should know or sites I should save? Instructions, hints, shops, etc.?


I know nada, zip, zilch about this subject so far. I just liked the thought of making my own yarns and dropped the spindle in the ebay want...WATCH list (I call it want list cuz it's how I let hubby know what I want lmao) and he got it for my bday =)


So anything ya'll can tell me will be helpful! TIA,



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He ordered it from Here.


I guess my instincts were good on the links lol those are ones I'd saved heheh


Here's a question... not that I'm ready to just yet, but when I get ready to buy fiber, how do I know how much to buy at a time? I mean, I know it depends on a lot of things probably, but is there any sort of general rule?

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Yay <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/bounce012.gif" />


I hope you love it as much as I am!


I got my spindle from the same seller. The roving is gorgeous.


As far as how much fiber to buy at a time, think about how far the finished yarn will go. 2-4 oz is only enough for very small projects. Right now I'm buying in 8 oz quantities until I get the hang of what I like or dislike. That way I have enough for most things, but not too much in case I don't like it. Once I'm more comfortable with certain types & sellers, I'd imagine I'd buy more at a time.



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Oh I'm pretty certain I will love it *g* I have an addictive personality *g* I'm so darned excited! I can't wait for it to get here lol. Hubby grumbled and fussed some as he was buying it, things like "I dunno why you need more stuff" and something about "...spend enough already..." but he got it ;) He's a good man :)h

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What's it mean when they say (on ebay or elsewhere but ebay is where I'm seeing it right now) wool top.... what's top mean?


I'm just lookin ;) getting an idea of prices etc. (at least that's my story and I'm stickin too it!) *g*

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I just ordered <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1931499381/104-3916278-4618356?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance" target="_new">this book</a> that was recomended to me by some spinning friends. It's all about the differences in wool from different sheep & so forth.

It's not here yet, I'll give you guys a review when it does. Maybe your library might have it.


I tried to find the definition of wool top somewhere, but didn't have any luck.



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If you haven't yet, pick up Interweave Press's Spin It. It's a good (and cheap) beginner book for spindling.


Top is any combed preparation of fiber, whether from a mill or a home. It really just means that the fiber has been cleaned and processed into a nice, uniform mass.


If it's from a mill, it's a sliver, batt, or roving. A sliver has no twist and is pretty thick. Most roving is like a sliver, but with a touch of twist and thinner. You can also get pencil roving, which is pencil-thin roving -- you can basically spin it without drafting much. A batt is a thick mass of layers of carded wool.


Batts and rolags can be made at home. Batts on a hand-cranked tabletop carding machine; rolags on handcarders.


It's all top, though. It's been cleaned and processed and is ready for spinning! :)


Hope that helps!

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Guest ParchedWhisper

Wow...I have not got my spindle yet, but thanks for that information! That clears up some of the questions I had on a few spinning sites.


I saw that book a few places made into start up kits. Again thanks from a future spinner..lol

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