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first bit... pic


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'K so here's that first tiny bit I showed on the spindle the other night. It's been soaked and dried and this is what it looks like now...




There's not much there, cuz I was afraid to teach myself to do it and have it come out way wrong, because then I'd never unlearn what I did... if that makes sense.


At this point, I've learned that this bit was a little over spun, as is the first part of what I did after that, but I was soon figuring it out a bit more so I think the next trial will be better :fc though I will have thick and thin parts. I can live with that.

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Looks great!


And thick/thin is in! Do a search for Manos del Uruguay, see how much they get for a small skein of that!


Two things.

There is a yahoo group called Spindlers you might want to join. Also another less active group callled Spinning Camp, just for newbies! There are a lot of drop-spindle spinners on Spindlers, but they talk about all sorts of fiber stuff. I have been mostly sitting back & absorbing, it's pretty interesting.


When you are ready for a wheel, do check Ebay. I've seen a lot of wheels from sellers in Europe, might make the shipping a bit easier.



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Thanks Julie!


My purty purple fluff is no more... it's now purty purple yarn!!!!!! :woohoo :clap I soaked it and it's hanging in my bathroom now with my shoes as weights. I hope it dries quick so I can make something with it!! There's not a lot of it, so it'll have to be small... I have no idea what I'll make lol but it's gotta be crocheted into something *g*


I'm sitting here with the rainbow fluff I just got from a fairy godmother, about to start on that next heheh

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you are doing a great job, marvie!!


i'm in the spindlers group... under youbutterfly right now. i need to change that. might do it tonight. there are some nice people on there and they help fairly quickly :D!


whatchya gonna do with your first little bit????


just a thought, might make a few really nice book thongs :idea

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