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I went NUTS!! *lol*

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The back-pay for my daughter's disability claim just came through today. (That's a whooooole different story in and of itself.) So what's the first thing I do?


Go online and buy YARN!:lol


I just bought $62 worth of yarn from Purple Kitty. I swear, that's GOT to be the largest amount I've ever bought at one time - in my LIFE.


In my defense, though, it only works out to be £30-some-odd with the conversion, and most of it is going towards an afghan that I was supposed to have done for my sister... oh... two YEARS ago!!! :blush I also bought 2 skeins to make some amigurumi's for my neice and nephew (hey... if I'm finally going to make and send out my sister's afghan, I can't leave them out, can I?), and the rest is going to be a late birthday present for the same daughter whose disability claim this is (her birthday was the 18th of January). She absolutely LOVES crocheted afghans - she's constantly stealing her sisters' baby afghans - so I'm going to make a nice big one for her, in bright girly colors, to go on her bed.


I hope hubby doesn't get tooo upset. I doubt he will, but he's at school, so he doesn't even know yet!:lol It sounds like a lot, but what he doesn't realize is that what I bought (RHSS), I can't get out here, and it comes in such a large skein, it's almost like 4 skeins of the yarn I CAN get out here. (I can't get anything bigger than a 50g skein out here, and most of the RHSS skeins are close to 200g.) So in a way, I'm saving money. To get the same amount of yarn I'm getting in the RHSS, I'd have to buy 3-4 times as much. And with the conversion, the RHSS comes out to be only a few pence (we're talking like less than £0.50) more than what I'd pay out here for the smaller skeins.


Hey... grandma taught me well... I know how to shop smart!:hook:lol

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Yeah! Yarn shopping spree! :yay It also sounds like you're getting much more yarn if you took the cash to your LYS or wherever. Therefore, you'll have more to work on and it'll be longer until you _have_ to buy yarn again. Enjoy your spree and know that everyone who you're making stuff for will enjoy and treasure your work.

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