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I know that a few people on here have had some problems with aches and pains of crocheting.


I was browsing through some of my crochet sites that I have marked in my faves and I came across this. Hopefully it will help out some of you or maybe even all of you.


She makes some VERY valid points of how to sit and rearrange your legs when you crochet:hook . Which for me is my problem because my legs start to get antsy if I sit for too long.


Well, like I said, I hope it helps out some of you.



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That sounds like a good idea. I do try the different sitting positions, but I mostly crochet leaning up against my bed, which leads to major back cramps. Thanks for posting this, I'll have to try out some of the ideas.

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I've found that for me (chronic neck pain and headaches), that crocheting in a semi-reclined position is the best.


I lay down on the sofa, and prop myself up with pillows in my lower back, upper back and then one just under my neck.


I'm also very conscious of not jutting my head and neck forward - I bring my work to my eyes if I need to see it better, not bring my eyes to my work!

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I definitely need to get a lamp next to my living room chair. I find I crochet more here at the computer because the lighting is better. I like the idea of the pillow on your lap too. Great suggestions. Thanks for the link.

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