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2nd Scarf for Red Scarf Project


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Ok, here is my 2nd scarf. A little story about this one. Last summer, I bought a bunch of yarn off of eBay, lots of unfinished objects and stash someone was getting rid of. I have used up most of the stash, now I am working my way thru the unfinished objects. I hate to “FROG” so I have tried to find uses for everything. I found this thing, looks like it was meant to be an afghan of sorts, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out the stitch. I showed it to the crochet gods at the ‘Ville but no one could figure it out either.


Oh well, I said I would make a scarf out of it!


I pulled apart the last row that the person had started and then I sc’d an edging. There were 18,000 yarn ends I had to weave in - NO JOKE - 18,000 icon_wink.gif so I didn’t get off that easy with this one.


It’s actually a very warm and cuddly scarf! I hope it makes someone happy!



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