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Y groups postings

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Well, not really as a Y group as I see it is just a get together around a shared interest.


We did start the Cathedral Window group (with no problems) when the Ville was doing server thingys and a Hope Chest group was begun from a discussion here. I have not had any difficulty about mentioning that a Y group has started.

However, recently, a post about starting a group - very vague and possibly heading to swaps - was removed from the listings. it got me to wondering if things have changed

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It depends on what the purpose of starting the thread about the group is. (Any use of the word "you" in this post is generic, and not directed at any particular Crochetville member.)


If the group is related to a non-crochet interest, then there's no conflict of interest at all in posting information about it in the Off-Topic Conversations folder.


If you're referring our members to a pattern that is part of or a swap that is already occurring on an existing, established yahoo group, that would pretty much fall into the realm of just sharing resource information with our members, and there isn't any problem with that.


The thread that was removed was removed for a different reason. That thread was started to discuss starting a brand-new yahoo group that was going to cover lots of crochet information, asking for members here to help moderate it, and for members who might be interested in joining. It's generally not considered a good thing on the internet to use an existing group's membership base to get a new competing group off the ground.


Now, an exception to that can be made for yahoo groups that are very narrow in focus, such as one that was organized for an off-Crochetville swap that someone was setting up through the blog, for example.


I think the best thing to do for anyone who wants to use Crochetville to advertise another forum here is to send me a PM with all the details about the new group, so that Donna and I can decide how we feel about the matter.


Just think about it from the perspective of the administrators of any active forum or yahoo group. Would you want everyone (because if you let one, you have to let all) who starts a new group to solicit members away from your group that you've worked so hard to maintain and grow? Of course not. So that's why many yahoo lists have a written or unwritten rule (or expectation) that other same-interest groups should not be promoted on their group. If you think about it from the perspective of "how would you like others to treat you and a group you've worked hard to establish," you'll probably have an answer about what you should do. :)

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Another way to look at it: what is the purpose of mentioning the yahoo group?


Is it to provide information to a member who is looking for it?


Or is it only to benefit yourself by getting new members to your group? If the purpose is to use Crochetville's membership base for your own benefit, it's probably a good idea not to do it.


But, since there could be exceptions in some cases, you're always welcome to contact me for clarification. :)

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