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Stained Glass Window Afghan Cal????


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i think itill take too much of yarn

as my guessing not less than 32oz of black and 39oz of colors

maybe more :)

i wish that helps

actully when we use our stash we don`t think of those stuff cause all we want to finish our stashes

so the stash always enough

how about making a competetion between us (those who are just starting) in a way of encourgement :cheer:yay:clap

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Thanks, I think this is the first thing i've made that my fiance' actually said "wow hun that looks good"


I started with 8 full skeins worth of colored yarn as well as some small balls, and I can just buy enough black... I don't have a very large stash, but I really like this afghan and i want it to be big enough for my grandma to curl up under on the couch. so I think ill keep going with it trying to make it twin ish sized. we'll see how it goes!


I'm up for a competition... but I won't be on very much after tonight, I'm heading home to maine for spring break. Lots of wedding planning to do. I'll be back more regularly in about a week.!!

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q8_crochet, I haven't had any time at all since last weekend to work on my second afghan. A coworker was out most of the week with bronchitis, so I had to cover for her. Then in the earlier part of the week I spent way too much time at the auto repair shop diagnosing the problem, and tomorrow morning I have to go in to get my car fixed! I'm hoping by tomorrow afternoon and all day Sunday I can get some serious crochet time in to work on this afghan.


I do have a pic of three of the strips though. Forgive me for the darkness of the pic, my camera needs new batteries:






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Candy - Your afghan is coming along beautifully! Keep sharing the photos of your progress, I love your colors!


Jessica- I love your variation of this pattern. I'll be eagerly waiting on more photos of yours too. So far, there are about three different variations of this pattern being posted here. You said you didn't have much stash, I'll be happy to share some with you (or anyone). I'm also getting married this year too and have just started planning, so any advice you'd like to share would be much appreciated.:yes

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OO Donna!! Congradulations! Planning a wedding has turning into a big process, but mine is tricky since i'm planning a Maine wedding from NY. Oh and we have a rather small budget! So I'm going to end up being crafty! So far i've picked my reception site and hopefully narrowed it down to a few sites for the ceramony.


If you haven't heard of it yet I very highly reccomend http://www.theknot.com

I have all of my stuff set up through their site, I love being able to make a home page and keep my guest list online.


Ill Post more pictures as i get the panels done, I did another half of one so far tonight, maybe ill get another picture posted before I head to maine in the morning!


Keep me up to date with your wedding stuff, it would be great to have someone to talk to about things!

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we want to work hard and enjoy a cup of :coffee while watching Tv

and ofcaurse crocheting hard to make longer strips in short time :hook

how long are your strips girls??

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OO Donna!! Congradulations! Planning a wedding has turning into a big process, but mine is tricky since i'm planning a Maine wedding from NY. Oh and we have a rather small budget! So I'm going to end up being crafty! So far i've picked my reception site and hopefully narrowed it down to a few sites for the ceramony.


If you haven't heard of it yet I very highly reccomend www.theknot.com

I have all of my stuff set up through their site, I love being able to make a home page and keep my guest list online.


Ill Post more pictures as i get the panels done, I did another half of one so far tonight, maybe ill get another picture posted before I head to maine in the morning!


Keep me up to date with your wedding stuff, it would be great to have someone to talk to about things!


Going to look at a possible venue today. I've been registered to theknot since before I got my ring, but haven't really utilized it much, I'll have to revisit, the guest list thing would be a huge help. My budget is a joke right now, and I'm tempted to just say, "lets just go to the beach and elope"!


I haven't started my third afghan for this CAL yet, I'm planning on trying to sew a pair of flat front trousers for myself at some point today. The pattern is already cut and only 4 pieces. Any maybe make myself a cute purse.


q8_crochet- I'm not sure how long I made my panels, I'm sure I wrote down the measurements somewhere, but each of my panels were 130 rows.

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Thanks for the compliments on my second afghan! I have a new pic now, this one showing four strips. I keep moving them around to see how I like them best, so this probably isn't what the finished product will look like. But at least you can see what I have so far.





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thanks nina and jessi



thats awsom

how long it took you to make this forth??

i`m too slow adding i`m studying , have other projects, and love to cook mmmmmm

happy crocheting :hook

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I started that fourth strip last Sunday and finally finished it last night! LOL That's how busy I was all week! I just started another strip, and they usually take a me a couple of hours if I work on them non-stop. I'm not sure how many strips I'll use for this one. I'm thinking six for sure, but I'll see how I like it when I get the sixth strip done.

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Well I'm not going to make much progress on my afghan this week... I couldn't bring myself to bring all the skeins of yarn home with me... I was afraid they would all get tangled!


Donna, how did the visit with the wedding reception thing go? I totally understand about the budget stuff... my fiance' and I are paying for our wedding, and we are still in college (almost done) so I really sympathize with that!


I can't wait to get back to my apartment and my yarn!


I should internet for the next day or so, but then i'm heading back up to northern maine to my family (My sister just told me she is having a baby!!! and i get to go with her to her first ultrasound!!) Now i really need more baby yarn to make a bunch of things for her (shes only 19... But i'm sure she will be okay, and i'm excited to be an aunt)


Hope you all have agreat week if I dont' get a chance to post again, Ill be back more regularly sunday evening!

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