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DH is upset with me

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I think sometimes married couples forget that they are two separate people and try to control each other too much. My husband and I used to do this some until we set up separate checking accounts. After that, he stopped worrying about what I spent for the things in my realm and I didn't worry about his spending. We would never get anything major without consulting with each other, but I don't need his permission to buy yarn and he doesn't need mine to buy golf balls, tools, etc. If the bills are paid and the children's needs are covered, we are fine. Maybe if you are married long enough, you learn to give each other space. (This is from almost thirty years of marriage after 4 1/2 years of dating.)

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My husband doesn't bother me about the amount of yarn or pattern books I buy. We included in our budget 'fun money' for each of us. So, I just use my fun money to buy yarn and patterns and he uses his to buy yo-yo stuff. Yo-yoing is his hobby (he does tricks and stuff) and he owns about 30 yo-yos now and he's always adding to the collection and buying new strings and other yo-yo related items. So, he's a little obsessed with his hobby as well. LOL



I suppose if worse came to worse you could try crocheting with yoyo strings...lol!



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I'm so glad all is well now :cheer. I didn't read all the other posts and maybe someone already mentioned it but there are plenty of free patterns online. Being a yarn and pattern addict is incurable, I believe! :lol Besides, who wants to be cured of that?

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as for eBay, ALWAYS ALWAYS if you find a pattern you like, search for it again cause you might find it cheaper with another seller. Also, I put things I like on my watch list and wait to see how it goes. By the time it ends, I usually find something like it on the free sites and I don't need it anymore.

And a word of warning about early bidding.....a lady once told me that eBay is the new place for gamblers to indulge themselves. When you see something going through the roof, you can bet there's more going on that just needing the pattern. This lady was a "recovering" gambler and told me it just about kills her to lose an auction. She bids early and bids often and drives up the price. It's all about winning. Plus, ebay sellers sometimes involve friends to drive up the bid. I do my best to stay out of it until the end.

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My DH doesn't know how much money I spend on Ebay buying patterns. It is a lot of fun and you can find so many different patterns and vintaged patterns too.


Norwood, PA

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I think sometimes married couples forget that they are two separate people and try to control each other too much. My husband and I used to do this some until we set up separate checking accounts. After that, he stopped worrying about what I spent for the things in my realm and I didn't worry about his spending. We would never get anything major without consulting with each other, but I don't need his permission to buy yarn and he doesn't need mine to buy golf balls, tools, etc. If the bills are paid and the children's needs are covered, we are fine. Maybe if you are married long enough, you learn to give each other space. (This is from almost thirty years of marriage after 4 1/2 years of dating.)


Yup This is what we do as well :) And this after 3 1/2 years of marriage and 6 months of dating ;)

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