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Modular Sweater Update--Help Needed from Garment Mavens

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OK, I've made part of the modular sweater, and the work looks good. However, I'm a bit thick in the middle in my middle years, and the pattern has you make the shoulders and body the same width for simplicity. I'd have to go a few inches beyond where each shoulder actually ends on my body so the sweater will be amply wide to avoid hugging my bulges.


I looked at and took measurements on some of my everyday sweaters, and they mostly have slightly tapered sleeves (wider at the shoulder and a couple inches narrower at the wrist), and the shoulders are not as wide as the body. So of course the sleeve has to angle into the shoulder part. I may have to face the sad fact that this simpler style might only be good for much thinner folks than I. :( Any suggestions from the less garment-challenged on this? Thanks.

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I'm also a larger woman. I have made myself one Modular sweater and as you pointed out the bottom is larger than I would normaly wear, but over all I do like it. I did my sleeves flat and sewed them as I went and kept trying them on so that I could taper them.


I suggest that you go ahead and finish this sweater. I believe that the experience of making the first one will allow you to be able to alter any future ones to suit your shape.

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I have the same prob diffrent area (my hips are a whole 12' larger :eek than my waist) with mod sweaters I make a triangle insert for each side to make the hip area a lilttle bigger...not sure how I would do that for the mid-section????:think ...well I guess I wasn't much help:( LOL...Good Luck:hug

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Thanks for the suggestions. I will finish the sweater. It might still work out OK, just the shoulder seam will be down my arm a bit, but I can say it's the new style :lol I gained weight over the years in my stomach area, but my shoulders are small, and they don't get wider when the rest of me does!

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OK, I've finished crocheting the body part of this sweater. Now that I have both sides done, it's looking a LOT better! I was thinking it wasn't going to hang right on me, but apparently you can't judge much with only one side completed. Now I have to stitch up the sides, then get the sleeves done. Thanks for encouraging me to stick with it!

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Cindy, I've made many modular sweaters. The shoulders typically fall about two inches below a normal shoulder line. The idea is to keep a modular sweater loose and draped. If you don't like the sleeve to be so boxy you can gradually decrease your hook size to make it angle in a bit. I have a tutorial on my website for a modular sweater, Erika's Ocean Top. http://www.wolfcrochet.com/page2.html It sounds as if you are doing well with yours though. I'd love to see the final result and will be happy to answer any further questions. :)

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Roli, thanks for the advice and the link--I'm adding this to my favorites!! I'm sewing the sides up right now and will begin the sleeves shortly. Then I'll finish with an SC edging around the neck, and will post the finished product. Just saw your location, and that's cool that y'all travel all the time.

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