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Guest Cora70




I was wondering if anyone knows of a pattern for a cape style blanket. I have two little boys (3 & 4) that are big into Batman and Superman. I was thinking that a cape would wrap around like a blanket and make a great Christmas present but was at a loss of where to find a pattern.


Any help would be appreciated!



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i am thinking any kind of square blanket you want to make .. then take a corner and add a bit to make the part that would fit on their head ... like a triangle... maybe make some little ties to tie around the neck?.. would that work ?




<a href="http://threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/" target="_new">threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/</a>

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i'm gonna toss in my :2 :


having a 2 and 3 year old who will not (under NO circumstances) remove their capes.... my suggestion to you would be to go with fabric. i think something crocheted would be too heavy. i don't think it would "fly" well. ya know?


oh, and yes, they wear them to the grocery store, the mall, and bed - my precious boys :P one is superman and the other is batman:rollin

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Rebecca, how about if she does it in Lustresheen or thread would it still be cumbresome to wear? The reason I am asking is because I am in India where its perpetually hot and I too was thinking of a cape for my son(he is 10 but still wants one!!!) So what do you think? can it be made in thread? Apart from using oodles of thread will it stand up to the "treatment" it would get :)




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