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I only like to crochet in natural fibers, ?

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I really prefer to crochet with natural fibers just because I think it's better for us. So when I see people showing off their beautiful projects it makes me want to make them too. However I wonder how well the projects would come out using cotton or wool instead. For instance the star shaped baby blanket that everyone seems to be making in Caron simple soft. I love it! I'd love to make it out of wool or cotton but I wonder how comfy it would be and how well it would hold up after use.

Can someone tell me if using only cotton and wool are good ideas? Or am I limiting myself too much?


Thanks for the help!



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I don't think you are limiting yourself. You have to work with whatever makes YOU feel good. If using natural fibers makes you feel good, then keep it up. :)


The star blanket can be made in a cotton yarn also. If you think it won't be sturdy enough, use two strands.


I was just at Walmart today looking for cotton yarn to make baby bibs out of. The only thing they had was kitchen cotton....and not in the colors I needed. Also, acrylic yarn fits into my budget alot better. This allows me to make more for friends, family, and charity.



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I will only buy yarn when I have a 40% or 50% off coupon for Joann and Michaels. Otherwise I don't buy yarn. This is why I have a whole hodgepodge of yarn because I'll just buy one at a time. I've been buying lots of Patons Classic Wool recently but I think it might be too scratchy for a newborn (my second due in March!). I also have some Cotton tots cotton which I thought might work but the colors are very limited. I love vibrant colors. I know there are some online sellers of yarn but like you my budget is limited so I can't really afford them. So I'll go with cotton then for the star baby blanket. I just have to see if I can find more pretty cotton yarn!


Thanks for your help!

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Kristen, I know how you feel. I consider myself addicted to natural fiber, particularly wool, BUT; I crochet for charity where its not advised to use wool. There are several reasons. First is allergy; you don't know who will be getting your prayer shawl or lapghan and you don't want them to itch. Washing is another consideration, if it's institutional washing, they don't always do a great job with fabric care for the residents belongings (which is why I wash my son's clothing at home). They use hot water, and probably don't use softener so both cotton and wool could be damaged. Not to mention linen or other delicate fibers.


My church has a prayer shawl ministry and they request acrylic, so this summer I've made some using Lion Homespun or Bernat Soft Boucle. They are easy care and fairly affordable, so I can make more for my money.


Online shopping doesn't mean expensive. Try to find free or low cost shipping and you've probably saved what it would cost for gas to run around and find the yarns locally. http://yarn-and-threadbylisa.com is a good place to find Lily Sugar n' Cream in lots of colors.

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