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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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Thanks so much, Empress Busy Bee!

Hope you will enjoy making the shawl when you get a moment (or two, ahem)!

hugs back:hug


Noreen I'm so sorry about your kitty. It's always hard. :hug



That's the exact post why I bought my issue months ago. I just haven't had a chance to start it yet.

I have been following this thread though. :)

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Okay, gals, I think I'm gonna give this one a go. :eek I've been looking for a gift to make for a friend who *adores* butterflies and this looks like a good choice. I still have to go pick up the magazine, and pick out and order the yarn, so it won't be for a week or so, but it's definitely gone on my to-do list.


Question...do we think this would work with a lace-weight yarn? I've read through the thread, checked the LB site and I'm still a little confused about the gauge. I'm specifically thinking about something like this which doesn't have a gauge, and only says 2/16 on it (I'm assuming that's 2/16"). I guess I just love the idea of it being so delicate. If we don't think it'll work, I'll look at a fingering-weight, I guess. Thanks!


Noreen, I'm sorry about your kitty too. :hug

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Hi Fran

Best way to figure out if a certain yarn or thread will work for you is to do a 'wraps per inch' test.....

I explain how to do it on my blog: www.hankeringforyarn.com


and thanks for the kind note about our kittygirl,



Okay, gals, I think I'm gonna give this one a go. :eek I've been looking for a gift to make for a friend who *adores* butterflies and this looks like a good choice. I still have to go pick up the magazine, and pick out and order the yarn, so it won't be for a week or so, but it's definitely gone on my to-do list.


Question...do we think this would work with a lace-weight yarn? I've read through the thread, checked the LB site and I'm still a little confused about the gauge. I'm specifically thinking about something like this which doesn't have a gauge, and only says 2/16 on it (I'm assuming that's 2/16"). I guess I just love the idea of it being so delicate. If we don't think it'll work, I'll look at a fingering-weight, I guess. Thanks!


Noreen, I'm sorry about your kitty too. :hug

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Question...do we think this would work with a lace-weight yarn? I've read through the thread, checked the LB site and I'm still a little confused about the gauge. I'm specifically thinking about something like this which doesn't have a gauge, and only says 2/16 on it (I'm assuming that's 2/16"). I guess I just love the idea of it being so delicate.


I'm tossing that idea around, too. Maybe two strands held together for the body and one strand for the mesh. But I'm not good at doing anything "outside the lines"...I'd much rather follow the directions exactly. I ordered the swatch card from Halcyon, so we'll see how that goes. I'd think that I'd have to buy a lot of that laceweight yarn to make the shawl big enough...probably more than Knit Picks would have in stock of a certain dye lot. Good luck whatever you decide.

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I was thinking of that, too, though I've ordered 10+ skeins of sonmething from them and never had dye lot issues. In fact, I placed 3 orders over June/July where they were able to get me the same dye lot of one yarn for all of them!


If they come in 100g skeins, I'm just wondering how many skeins I'd need. That's where I run into problems. Hm. :think

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If they come in 100g skeins, I'm just wondering how many skeins I'd need. That's where I run into problems. Hm. :think


Me, too. I thought about just ordering one skein and working it up to see how many butterflies I could get out of it. Isn't that dumb? I know Noreen has explained till she's blue in the face, but I still have trouble. Yes, I really am that dense when it comes to math. I will probably end up ordering from Halcyon three or four of the one pound cones and just be done with it. :blush

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Me, too. I thought about just ordering one skein and working it up to see how many butterflies I could get out of it. Isn't that dumb? I know Noreen has explained till she's blue in the face, but I still have trouble. Yes, I really am that dense when it comes to math. I will probably end up ordering from Halcyon three or four of the one pound cones and just be done with it. :blush


Eh, if that makes you dumb, then I'll be dumb with you. :P:lol

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Hallo fellow Butterfly Shawlers.....

Here's a leetle math from your resident Butterfly Designer :lol


The original shawl took 12 balls of Lion #10 cotton.


There are 3.3 oz in each ball, but let's round that up for ease of the figuring:

So, 4 oz per ball x 12 balls = 48 oz......... so I would buy 50 oz to be safe.


In metric, we'll call the balls 100 gm (they're really only 94 gm)

100gm x 12 = 1200 gm ( 1.2 kg) ........ I would buy 1500 gm or 1.5 kg


Yardage: the Lion #10 cotton has 400 yd per ball.

so 12 balls = 4800 yards


in metric: 360 m (but we'll downgrade that for easier math to 350 m)

and you get approx: 4200 meters

(why the difference? a meter is about 40 inches long)


Hope this helps!




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Hallo fellow Butterfly Shawlers.....

Here's a leetle math from your resident Butterfly Designer :lol


The original shawl took 12 balls of Lion #10 cotton.


There are 3.3 oz in each ball, but let's round that up for ease of the figuring:

So, 4 oz per ball x 12 balls = 36 oz......... so I would buy 40 oz to be safe.


In metric, we'll call the balls 100 gm (they're really only 94 gm)

100gm x 12 = 1200 gm ( 1.2 kg) ........ I would buy 1500 gm or 1.5 kg


Yardage: the Lion #10 cotton has 400 yd per ball.

so 12 balls = 4800 yards


in metric: 360 m (but we'll downgrade that for easier math to 350 m)

and you get approx: 4200 meters

(why the difference? a meter is about 40 inches long)


Hope this helps!





Yes, but if we wanted to use a laceweight yarn, wouldn't those numbers change? :think 4800 yards of #10 thread makes more or fewer butterflies than 4800 yards of laceweight? 4800 yards of #10 thread weighs more or less than 4800 yards of laceweight? (I've heard that going by weight is iffy anyway, since some dyes weigh more than others.)


That's where we're stumped...converting to a larger yarn. :shrug:scrachin:2blush:cry:huh:worried

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I think there are just too many variables here that it is very difficult to figure out accurately how much material each of us needs ahead of time.


First, if you use a different number of strands, that drastically changes the amount used per butterfly. For example, Paulette is using only 2 strands, rather than 4, for her butterfly, so she is using only about half of what Noreen used for each butterfly. You won't know until you try how many strands work for you best. Throw in the fact that you still use one strand for the mesh part and it's even more complicated.


Second, if you use a different weight yarn than size 10 thread, that will affect the amount used, even if you use 4 strands. One may even decide to make each square bigger for a heavier-weight yarn, thereby possibly using fewer motifs than originally called for.


So, I think I'll use the information Noreen gave us and do some other fancy math work (I'm a physics grad student) based on that to make the bestest and most accurate and scientific "guesstimate". :lol


But seriously, I think it's a good idea to do some swatching anyway. You get better with the butterfly each time you do it, not to mention figuring out the amount you need more accurately.


Just my two cents on this much discussed subject...

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Actually, I saw that, but since you were rounding up anyway, it comes out just shy of 40 oz. in the end (3.3 oz x 12 = 39.6 oz.)...I didn't want to say anything...People give me a hard time for being a math snob in general. :blush


Forget the difference in dye weight, individual differences, temperature, humidity, the day of the week...

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and hugs to you!


and a big:blush

oh my!





Actually, I saw that, but since you were rounding up anyway, it comes out just shy of 40 oz. in the end (3.3 oz x 12 = 39.6 oz.)...I didn't want to say anything...People give me a hard time for being a math snob in general. :blush


Forget the difference in dye weight, individual differences, temperature, humidity, the day of the week...

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Oh, Natasha, I hope you didn't think I was picking on you or anything, because I wasn't. Actually, I just ordered the sample card myself. So the practice butterflies will be just that...practice.


Me, too. I thought about just ordering one skein and working it up to see how many butterflies I could get out of it. Isn't that dumb? I know Noreen has explained till she's blue in the face, but I still have trouble. Yes, I really am that dense when it comes to math. I will probably end up ordering from Halcyon three or four of the one pound cones and just be done with it. :blush


I think ordering one skein and trying it out is actually the best way to figure it out, as I said a few posts back.


Here is what I'm thinking for myself. I found that 3 strands of size 10 worked well for my practice butterfly. So I won't be using more than 3 strands since the 5/2 Pearl Cotton by Halcyon is even a bit thicker (25 wpi) than Lion Brand's Crochet Cotton Noreen used (34 wpi). Noreen used about 4800 yards of that stuff for the whole project.


So, if I order 2 pounds of 5/2 Pearl Cotton (= 4000 yards according to the web site), that's 17 % less yardage than Noreen used on her shawl. 3 strands instead of 4 (or possibly even 2 strands) is 25 % less in yardage, although you still have to make an allowance for the mesh part, which requires the same yardage. But the bulk of the material IS in the butterflies, and I tend to make things a bit smaller to fit my 10-year-old-size frame, so 2 pounds should do it.


At least, that's my logic. Besides, someone mentioned that Halcyon is likely to have the same dye lot if I run out. But it will be rather embarrassing if I run out after all this...:blush


Noreen, here is :hug for you as well. I'm so glad we have you here, because not only you are THE designer, you are super-nice and super-helpful. :manyheart

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Oh, Natasha, I hope you didn't think I was picking on you or anything, because I wasn't.


Nah...I just realized that I was probably worrying (hence posting) too much over what to do. :sweat I can't even start this thing for a while yet, so I'm sure I'll work it out by the time I'm ready.

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Hey Everybody!


Noreen...I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious little fur baby. I know it's hard to lose our furry little creatures. :(


So sorry I've been scare lately. I'm having computer troubles and I keep dragging my feet at taking it in. Next week we are going to Carlsbad Caverns and I will take it in then. I'm hoping maybe I won't miss it that much if I do it that way. Withdrawl can be a very ugly thing you know! :eek;)


I couldn't post a pic before because I lost the battery charger for my camera. I couldn't find it anywhere. I finally ordered one online and the same day I placed my order I found my charger! Yes, Murphy is alive and well and I'm married to him! :D Then I started having computer trouble and my computer will not open certain applications...one of them being the camera wizard to upload my pics to my computer. Needless to say I've been VERY frustrated.


I finally used my dh's computer, I set up the software needed on it and I have have pics to share.


Here is my practice butterfly out of different color threads:




I have been waiting and waiting for the thread I ordered but I think the person I ordered it from forgot about me. I'm either going to order some DMC Cebelia or I may hunt down the post of the person who order Egyptian Cotton thread and I may order that.


Since I couldn't wait any longer I picked up some #3 Senso thread in black metallic. I'm going to make my MIL a shawl for Christmas in that. Since it's #3 I'm only using 1 strand and it's coming out a little lighter than the 4 strands of #10 but it's coming out the same size so I'm going to continue on. I've completed 3 butterflies so far, here's one...




I will also be making my mom this same shawl for Christmas. But, I'm going to work on mine first. :D (Sorry mom...NOT! ;) )


More pics are up at my blog in this entry if anybody is interested in looking. I can't wait to finish up one of my shaws...I can taste it now!


I also can't wait to see Paulette's daughter's bed cover! That's gonna be so sweet!

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GinaLaughed, I LOVE your butterflies - they're so pretty! What gorgeous colors you chose. And it was really neet to see the black one, too, 'cause I was thinking of doing something in black, gray and white. I have a feeling I'm gonna end up with about 12 shawls or variations thereof by the time I'm done with this:lol . But earlier in the week my judge came out before court had started and he was wearing his mu-mu (black judge's robe) and a white shirt and a gray tie and I said, "Wow, those colors look great together. Stand still for a minute while I match that shade of gray to my Halcyon color card." He thinks I'm nuts... *he's right*... but it really did look nice together.


And then Ah Leah has changed her mind - again - and told me to "just pick some colors"... she was quite fond of pink and brown together, but then she mentioned "some neutrals"... so I'm gonna get that Halcyon swatch card and go on their site and order a selection of pretty threads in some different sizes (no #20, thank you very much) and see what I come up with.


Big Giant hugs to ya'all :hug .... and work on lots of butterflies while Crochetville is 'down for repairs' over the weekend... there's a post about it so don't anybody panic if you can't get on this weekend:eek

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Thanks, Paulette! I just love watching these butterflies come to life! I haven't had time to work on them lately because I'm trying to finish up some other WIP's so I can clear them out of here. I think I'll make this weekend a butterfly weekend after I finish my second round ripple tonight. I think that will be a nice way to help ease the withdrawl I'm already experiencing thinking about the ville being closed. My dh is happy though...he needs me to help him with his resume so he thinks this timing is perfect! :lol


That's quite a funny sight I picture with you and your color card and the judge! He must have thought you were nuts!:sofunnyOh well...he will never understand.


I hope you find just the right colors for Ah Leah. I'm sure whatever you chose will be just perfect!

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Hi Everyone,:juggle

Not sure if this will make it through with the 'offline' thing happening with Crochetville......

Whew! what a week this has been....... a whole bunch of deadlines all had to be met at the same time, :bounce:lookout oh My!

But, yay! They have been met, now to get it all together for the next set!


Today, we did a 'spinners/weavers gathering', which was great fun. (we had a booth, selling our 'Crone-Findlay Creations' spoolies, potholder looms, patterns, books etc). One of the other vendors had luscious silk roving, so I bought some gorgeous bombyx and some silk/bamboo blend to spin into my daughter's shawl.


Tomorrow, I need to take pics of the new spoolies and potholder looms that didn't sell and get them up on my website.


Sorry I haven't been able to get to the messages this last week, but with the generalized mayhem, something had to give. I should be more available next week!

Back to spinning silk and then to sleep..............

sweet dreams everyone!:sleep

hugs all round,



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That's quite a funny sight I picture with you and your color card and the judge! He must have thought you were nuts!:sofunnyOh well...he will never understand.


I hope you find just the right colors for Ah Leah. I'm sure whatever you chose will be just perfect!


You want to know the real funny sight? The judge doesn't raise an eyebrow to me telling him, "Stand still. Your mu-mu is in the way." Or if I'm sitting there crocheting and he wants to go on the record he'll just look at me and say, "Can we go on the record?" and I say, "Just a minute. Let me get this stitch done." And he waits. Like he has a choice. :devil

Oh, the indecision of picking the colors for Ah Leah... WHY IS THIS SO HARD??? I think I'm gonna order quite a few different colors from that Halcyon... why did they have to make it so pretty and in so many colors... it's just not FAIR!!!!! I'm sure I look like a mental case 'reading' the Halcyon color swatch card everyday, just staring at it like I'm waiting for it to do tricks or explode or something... I could dedicate the rest of my life to just making butterflies and I'd be a happy woman:hook

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Paulette, You are hilarious!:lol

big hugs




You want to know the real funny sight? The judge doesn't raise an eyebrow to me telling him, "Stand still. Your mu-mu is in the way." Or if I'm sitting there crocheting and he wants to go on the record he'll just look at me and say, "Can we go on the record?" and I say, "Just a minute. Let me get this stitch done." And he waits. Like he has a choice. :devil


Oh, the indecision of picking the colors for Ah Leah... WHY IS THIS SO HARD??? I think I'm gonna order quite a few different colors from that Halcyon... why did they have to make it so pretty and in so many colors... it's just not FAIR!!!!! I'm sure I look like a mental case 'reading' the Halcyon color swatch card everyday, just staring at it like I'm waiting for it to do tricks or explode or something... I could dedicate the rest of my life to just making butterflies and I'd be a happy woman:hook

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Hi everyone,


I was reading my gmail (about butterfly shawls & afghans & whatnot) and noticed a web-clip at the top about Butterflies...


My curiosity piqued, I followed the link, and it is a company that supplies Butterflies for releasing for special occasions (like weddings!!)


Thought Noreen or her daughter might possibly be interested...




I'm on the last few squares of the BF afghan for my daughter .. I would've been finished, but I decided that 12 11inch squares didn't make it big enough. I had to make 8 more so it's a 4 square x 5 square afghan. (plus the border)


Then I may start playing with the shawl squares. I bought some 1 skein of blue variegated Omega Sinfonia just for this .. but still have to find some thinner thread for the net. Wouldn't you know this comes up after I've given away all my size 10 thread?? :D figures.

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Hi All!

Just finished my first butterfly. Not too bad for a first try, the second wing went much quicker than the first and I'm sure the next ones will go even quicker :) I'm sure you guys can also pic out the mistake on the first wing too, lol. I really like the sheen of the Halcyon 5/2 cotton. I used 3 threads instead of 4. The color is a royal blue, the pic just doesn't do it justice.


You can see it at:


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