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Ideas to display/frame



I belong to a Prayer Shawl Ministry at church. We decided to make a cross representative of our ministry for the wall of crosses in the vestebule. I made several samples - thread, fingering weight, and ww. The group chose the ww cross because the yarn more closely represents the type of yarn used in shawls and it was multicolored, again to more closely represent what we do. Now, I would like some ideas/suggestions on how to display it. It's 8" long X 6.5" wide. the wll is painted pale cream.

We thought of

1. covering some substance like wood or fiberboard in a cross shape with fabric, sewing it on that.

2. attaching it to a rectangular or oval of fabric covered material and framing it

3 pressing it between 2 panes of glass & hanging it

4.stiffening it and hanging it directly on the wall



1. How have you displayed your work that you hang? Did you frame it? What background? Under galss to protect from dust, or open to the air to show the texture? Do you stiffen it?

Please help me with your ideas and experience.

Thank you in advance


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I had a horrible experience hanging my work with putting it between glass....it molded; I imagine it was due to condensation. I have used shadow boxes with glass fronts; they show off the work,including texture and keep the work clean. Make sure your work is not in sun-light or harsh light the work will fade. You have to be concerned about the work stretching so it should probably be mounted. If you stiffen your work, use something that is perminate. Bugs might be a problem depending on your yarn. you need to consider the type of paint on the wall; some oil based paints might "bleed" into your work, not by color, but the oil. You might consider consulting a framing company in your area. I would put a history of why your cross was made, what yarn you used and perhaps even the pattern. So often all of this information is lost, or misplaced or even forgotten. No easy solutions, each project is unique.

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