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Twisted Cord

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Just thought I'd share with you -


When making twisted cord for ties, etc., instead of the slow process of turning a pencil or whatever, I loop one end of the yarns over a cupboard handle, and jam the other knotted end into the chuck of a hand drill and tighten securely. Step back until yarns are a wee bit stretched and turn the drill handle. The yarns twist very quickly and evenly. Finish off as usual (fold in half, etc.).

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Great Idea! But I wonder if:


1. Rummaging through hubby's tools to find drill


2. Unpacking same from carrying case


3. Attaching yarn to drill


4. Returning drill to case


is a real time saver? My hubby's drill comes packed in a plastic case with bits and chocks, etc. By the time I go through all that, I might as well just twist the yarn!:whew:haha

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When making twisted cord for ties, etc., instead of the slow process of turning a pencil or whatever, I loop one end of the yarns over a cupboard handle, and jam the other knotted end into the chuck of a hand drill and tighten securely.
A hand mixer will work for this, too, as well as a battery powered screwdriver. I tie the yarn on the beaters for the mixer, or put a cup hook in the drill or screwdriver to attach the yarn to. There are also hand tools one can buy for making twisted cords
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I might mention that years ago I bought myself a cute little hand drill for this very purpose. But not so long ago HE borrowed it and broke it (don't ask - he's been muttering about changing the washers on the vanity but I keep putting him off - I know we'll have to buy a new basin after he's dropped the wrench). So he bought me another one. It's HUGE - he said it was more sturdy!! And HEAVY!! I feel that I'm in training for weight lifting.

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