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Stains no more!

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Hey guys!


I finally finished the first bodice and soaked in overnight in OxyClean and Bleach (oxy just couldn't take the stain away).


99% of the stain is gone. There is a slight very light stain that you have to look really hard to see, so it's no biggie. :clap


Now that drama is over with, I can make my tasseled groovy top next, or at least part of it because I know I will have to put it down to make something else. :lol


Thank you all for your hugs and sympathy. :manyheart

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Yarndiva, if you want to try and remove the rest of that stain, there is a product called Mary Ellen's Bye Bye Baby Stains that I have found works better than either OxyClean or bleach. Here is a photo of the product...


This stuff gets out everything (ink, coffee, blood, grape juice, wine) - everything I have tried it on, it has worked perfectly every time. It is only meant for use on white fabrics, but if you pre-wet your colored fabric and rinse quickly afterwards (really quickly), it will also work on light colors without bleaching.

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Thanks for the info on the stain remover and thank you for your encouragement. I have 1/3 of the tasseled top done..the front part, that is and I hope to finish that side by the end of this week.


Will post pics when I'm done.


Yes!! I am soo glad that this drama is soo over!!

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