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How do I finish??



I've finally got double crochet down and am working on my first baby blanket :) But I'm curious as to how to finish a project!


I don't have a large needle to sew it off, and chances of me being anywhere near a store to purchase one anytime soon are slim!


Is there a way to finish off using a crochet hook? (It's just a simple double crochet) I found something on crochet cabana, but it confuses me since it's using a different stitch!

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3 answers to this question

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:hook To finish off, you can thread the ends in with a large-eyed needle or failing that, just use your hook to pull the yarn through the stitches on the back of the work.

Where you can, crochet over the ends as you go so there is not so much to do at the end.

If you are having a problem starting a new problem because it is a new stitch, just remember that all crochet stitches are based on the CH and it is just how many times you put the yarn around the hook, and where you do the stitches that makes the difference.

Learn what each stitch is, ie: Ch = Chain, SC = Single Crochet, (which you have used already) DC = Double Crochet, HDC = Half DC = Half Double Crochet, TR = Treble, plus a few longer stitches.

If you learn to do these stitches and practice on short rows, maybe making Dishcloths, you will soon be able to tackle some new patterns.

Make sure you look at what you are doing so you recognise what each stitch looks like, then you know if you have made any mistakes.

The most used stitches are CH, SC & DC so these would be the ones to start with.

Have fun.


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Hmmm... Maybe I've been doing this wrong all these years as I'm a self-taught, but I always end by cutting the yarn (thread - whatever) about three or four inches away from the hook and then I just pull the last end through there and it ties off in a nice teeny little knot; I then use the crochet hook to weave in the end.


I'll be anxiously watching this thread to see if there is a 'right' way to finish a project that I don't know about.


Good luck!

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:think I think that Married to a trucker was wanting to finish off as in tidy up the ends when she finished, using a large needle.

If this is not the case, a good way to "Finish Off" as at the completion of the work is to cut or break the yarn with about 4 inches spare & thread it through the last loop.

I usually do it as if I am making another CH and pull up a loop to about 4 inches and cut or break that, then pull the unwanted end out. Firm up the knot that it forms. This tail gets threaded in at the back to neaten.

(Well, it is not really a knot but is sort of.)

Hope this is helpful.

Have fun.


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