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How do YOU stay motivated?? Neverending WIPS...

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I thought I would ask on how you ladies and gents stay motivated to actually FINISH projects....Lately the only things I've been finishing are the Granny Squares for the Swap I'm in and a Martha Poncho here and there....


My biggest issue is the original afghan that got me hooking last year....I just don't seem to have the desire to pick it up and work on it...and finished it will be such a lovely thing, and be perfect for our livingroom....but alas, no motivation...


How do you motivate yourselves to finish long dusty WIPS??? Without getting distracted by the next new crochet pattern to try? haha...I finally stopped buying yarn like an obsessive compulsive, and actually managed to sell a bit of my unused, never see the light of day yarn off on Ebay.


So HELP....help me with suggestions on how to stay motivated haha!:D




Robin in MI

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Well I envision how happy I will be with the finished project and that usually helps. I also tell myself that if I finish then I can start a different project, or go yarn shopping or something like that. I hate to have too many unfinished things because then it gets depressing. Another thing is that I won't start a project unless I really really want to do it. Otherwise it is a chore. And I crochet as an outlet, and a form of expression. If it becomes a chore then I won't want to do it anymore.

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Every so often there are those projects that become chores rather than highly desirable projects to complete. What I find I have to do, is make a promise to myself that I am going to work on this every day at this point of my day (that I usually have free for crocheting), and that no matter what I can not quit this project until I have done a certain amount. Even if it is only one row, if you keep it up, it will get finished and soon you will find yourself just wanting to finish it so that you can get onto more fun projects that have your interest.



Right after Christmas I was really burned out on "have-to" projects and deadline projects, but I got 3 orders that had to be done. So I just told myself that I have to get this far on it, before I can switch and before I knew it I was finished with the orders and am now onto my more "fun" projects that spark my interest and creativity.

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My daughter (10 yo) and I formed a UFO Team last weekend. We agreed that we would both help each other work on our WIPs. We're trying to do 3 rows on the oldest one and then a half hour on our favorite project. We'll see how it goes...

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I work on one project at a time (I never used to!) - but have the yarn and patterns and ideas for other projects in my head and ready for take off. I used to have too many projects on the go at once - a bit like my life in general - and cut back. It takes some discipline to do, but well worthwhile!! When you start a project you must visualise the end product otherwise you wouldn't start it - think back to when you first started the project and reclaim that feeling - that should motivate you to complete.

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Hi Robin

The best way I can stay motivated to get something done is to ONLY work on one thing at a time. The more projects I have going, the less I do. I get too overwhelmed .

Try picking out the thing that is CLOSEST to being done. Put ALL others away. Work only on the one til it is done, then as your reward, you can pick a new one out of the closet .

One at a time is the best solution for me !

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