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Starting a Stitching Group in my home town

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I'm so excited. I've been wanting to put together a stitching group for a long time. I finally decided to ask my church if we could hold it there and use one of the rooms. They had to present it to the board and it was APPROVED on Monday! YEAH!! Now I'm in the process of writing out something to put in our April Newsletter and in our weekly bulletin. I am so hoping that there are others that are just as excited about this as I am!!


I have put in my write up that anyone that does hand work is welcome to come. I thought it would be nice if I put together a sheet to hand out that might have popular websites for both crocheters and knitters. I have several of my own for crochet, but I don't know which ones the knitters like. Any suggestions??


:hook :hook :hook :hook

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Hi Teresa:


What great news. I just started a group at my church last Sunday. You can read the thread here. I posted information in our Sunday bulletin for about 3 weeks prior to the date. I also talked about it to the congregation in the announcements part of the service. I was surprised to find that most of the ladies used the Internet. I created a blog and put up information I thought they'd find useful there.


It would be nice if this evolved into a time of fellowship where everyone brought their needlework. I know there are a few knitters who want to knit once they master the art of crochet. One lady brought her cross-stitching last week. :)


As for knitter's web sites, I like to frequent the following for patterns, articles, etc.:




www.yarnharlot.ca (love her blog)

www.knittersreview.com (a forum similar to Crochetville)



The sites listed above are really popular amongst the knitting community.


Good luck and enjoy! :hook

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