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Crochet Videos - UPDATED

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I'll be shooting some videos tomorrow. I made a tentative list on my blog.




I plan on doing all the basic stitches that I listed there. Does anyone have any other ideas that they would like to see? I won't get to everything, and I might not have the motivation, but I'd at least like to entertain some other ideas.




EDITED TO ADD: The new videos are up: http://www.nexstitch.com/Tutorials.html


That is the new homepage for the videos. I added 4 tunisian videos too. Still working on adding a couple of last minute suggestion videos too. Enjoy!

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Hi Nexstitch. What a great idea. Actually, I'd like to see a part on Weaving in Ends. Even though I've crocheted quite a bit, I feel I am not good at this and I'm never 100% successful at getting ends of yarn not to come out a little bit after time. --nikki

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Great idea! Thanks for wanting to help out other crocheters!


I'd love to see a couple of things that really messed me up when I was getting started (and that STILL mess me up sometimes!) - like where do you really place the last stitch in row 1 of a round - (that joining slip stitch never seems to be in the right place), or what threads to pick up when crocheting into the turning chain of the previous row. It might be helpful to show what stitches to pick up in the previous row when starting a new one, after the turning chain.


I suspect these are things that have most newbies ripping hair out by the roots....





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I love your sight, NEXSTITCH - and crochet videos are too scarce on the net.



If it isn't too late to suggest something - how about showing what to do at the end and beginning of a row, for sc and dc. I've noticed newer crocheters (and I remember having my own problems with this), can have trouble missing the turning chain at the end, or not knowing what to do at the beginning of a row. I am looking forward to seeing the finished videos!

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Great. I'm writing this stuff down right now. I'll have my computer off while shooting, but I plan to take a few breaks to do my normal "lap aorund the internets" as I jokingly refer to it. I'll be back to see what other suggestions are mentioned. I like what I've heard so far though.


OK, quick manicure (or what I can do with these art teacher hands) and off to take on the day!

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I love the idea of having videos to learn on crochet. As a matter of fact, I have found that I learn best through audio-visual aids. I have had to do a lot of homework, reading about crochet, and on learning to do the afghan stitch and attempting to begin making an afghan from a graft. Wow, its taken months to read, think, read, think, try, try, try, mess-up, and try again. However, I think I am on my way. But I'll bet it would have been easier if I had a visual aid to learn from. Videos will be of extreme value in assisting the incoordinated person such as myself to crochet. Thanks.

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Coming back to this real quick (and then heading out!)...


Diane, I have an article that shows some of what you're saying (I believe). Check it out:




Do you mean basically that information, but in video form? If so, I think it's a great idea. I know newbies struggle with it.

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Hi Amie,


YES! That is exactly what I was thinking, as well as contrasting that with what you might do with SC. (Also, I must admit I have just begun using "garment" turning after hearing people talking about it on this forum.) The pictures you have, though, are really nice. I don't know it a video is needed, but I don't think it could hurt.


:ideaI thought of something else, too. How about showing how to pick up stitches along the edge of a crochet piece, like a square or an afghan, for a sc edging, for example? I've never even seen any pictures about this in crochet books. (Watch, you already have this on your site! I will go look.)

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I'm back on intermission. The lights I use are very hot! Gee, the one pointing over my shoulder is only 500 watts..the ones pointing at the ceiling are 700! << insert sarcasm here >>


lildumpling - I agree. Some people like myself are visual learners; they need to see things to learn.


Diane - that's another good one. You're right. I can't recall seeing that anywhere. I had planned on doing an article on it. Actually, I have it set up, but I need to take pictures. The list of things to do grows daily around here!


Coming back to this...


I accomplished a lot today. I tackled that list minus the joining motifs and working in rounds, plus I added a few smaller things to the list. But I intend to attempt it sometime this week after work, since I got the "go ahead" to hold onto the set up until at least Thursday.


So, if there are any other ideas, I still have time to entertain them!

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Real easy:


Go here: http://www.nexstitch.com/Tutorials.html


And then you'll see the videos on the left. They are listed as, "Knit Stitch" or "Corded Stitch." Click on the one you want to see.


This will lead you to the page with that particular video. For example: http://www.nexstitch.com/v_tks.html


Then, scroll down to where it says, "Quicktime" or "Windows Media Player." Click on which software you use on your computer to view videos. Once you click it, a new much smaller window will appear. That'll be the video.


P.S. Call me Amie ;-)

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A motif is a granny square or any small individually created design (picture) like a flower, that can crocheted together with other motifs. So, yes, I've got that on my list. It's one of two that I have left which are the hardest to explain. I've been procrastinating and leaving them to last (my normal M.O.!).


I did add in:


Tunisian Spike Stitch

Tunisian Cross Stitch

T...Reverse Stitch

T...Bobble Stitch




slip stitch

double love knot

HDC decrease

SC decrease

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