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Will my yarn felt-quick trick


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A quick trick to tell if a yarn will felt is to take two small pieces of yarn and moisten them vigorously rub the 2 pieces together between your palms. A feltable yarn will turn the two pieces into one after just a few seconds (20-30 seconds) of rubbing..

Haven't tried it yet, but sounded good...

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What a fabulous bit of info!!! I have a bunch of yarn that was given to me in a bag, and some might be wool - but there are no labels. I can't wait to find out now! I'm really wanting to make a purse as my first felted project.

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I make three dcs into a loop and then run under hot water with a little dish soap and rub it between my hands. It changes really quickly and you can tell if it will felt. I recently got a box of unmarked yarn from a friend and one of the cones has a nice color to it, but it feels really nasty on my hands. I was hoping it was wool so I could felt it into a more hand-friendly texture, but alas it did not felt.:(

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Makes sense to me, when my Mom decided she needed a button and strap on a tote I made her I hand felted the strap under the bathroom faucet with a bit of dish soap. Sent it to mom with my prized Chibi needle and she found a button, cut a hole in the strap and sewed it on with some of the yarn from the project. Of course she was under strict orders to care for my chibi and return promptly, which she did.

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