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How do I dry it?


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Yeah, I'm a last minute kinda gal :lol I am attempting fulling for the first time. I made Deneen's bag and tossed it in the washer today. It's not done rinsing but I just took a look and it worked! Yay!


And then I realized I have no idea how to dry it :P


I don't have a dryer so that's out anyway. Do I just lay it flat or should I stand it up and try to shape it somehow? Or could I hang it from the line?

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I just made another one of Deneen's bags, the first few I shaped over a bowl in a warm spot for a day, then took it off the bowl to dry inside. The one I just made has a long strap and I stuffed it with plastic bags and hung it on a dowel thru the back of a chair over my heat duct in the kitchen. We've been only using heat at night, so it keeps it warm, but not too hot and doesn't blast it, just a nice bit of warm air. The first one I ever made I dryed on top of the freezer.

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