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What I'm excited about!

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Soon, I will be in Crochet Heaven in front of my TV!

Ok, the NFL playoffs start this weekend.......then the US Figure Skating Championships next week.....then American Idol starts, AND The Bachelor in Paris!

And last but not least....HOURS to crochet by.......with the Winter Olympics in February!!!!


Is anyone else excited about this extensive array of wonderful TV viewing-to-crochet-by, as I am?? Or am I crazy and don't have a life?

I'm picturing cuddling up under the afghan that I'm working on, feeling the snow and ice at the Olympics! ahhhhhh!


:c9 :c9 :c9

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Although we don't watch those events I can definitely identify with the excitement. I am always in anticipation of long road trips. I used to want to share the driving but lately I beg my husband to drive the entire distance. He usually doesn't mind ;)


The last drive was from Massachusetts to South CArolina and back. I was in crochet heaven.

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LOL! I can SO relate! With the exception of the football, my mind was going along those same lines...along with the fact my favorite shows I tape (CSI, NCIS, Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars) are back and new.


There is nothing more pleasurable on a cold weekend night or weekend than to snuggle up on the sofa with my hot chocolate (or wine!), my big beautiful Rottweiler Cyrus and my latest crochet project to watch TV:D

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Soon, I will be in Crochet Heaven in front of my TV!

Ok, the NFL playoffs start this weekend.......then the US Figure Skating Championships next week.....then American Idol starts, AND The Bachelor in Paris!

And last but not least....HOURS to crochet by.......with the Winter Olympics in February!!!!


Is anyone else excited about this extensive array of wonderful TV viewing-to-crochet-by, as I am?? Or am I crazy and don't have a life?

I'm picturing cuddling up under the afghan that I'm working on, feeling the snow and ice at the Olympics! ahhhhhh!


:c9 :c9 :c9

Hi Calico Carol!! this is carol up in Rosamond!! I also crochet in the livingroom, sitting next to my hubby, all cuddled up under the afghan I'm crocheting on,:manyheart watching football!! & yes Carol, you do have a life!!!!!!!!!!

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Not only am I excited about all those shows (with time to crochet), but my husband is away for 6 months. I can leave my crochet all over the house if I want, with no complaining from him!!!:clap

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I'm actually hoping anticipating my surgery because a) I want those troublemaking female parts OUT and b) lots of time to crochet and watch the dvd's I've bought but never had time to see. I just have to make sure they don't put the IV where it will interfere with my hooking.

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Oh good! I'm glad there are others like there out me, cuddling up and watching TV while hooking/knitting! I get lots done this way and it gives me a good excuse to sit for long periods of time and get stuff done! Especially with football! Plus my hubby loves it that I've gotten so involved in the sport, to the point that its ME who'll wake HIM up with the words "Get up! You're going to miss the kickoff!":lol

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Good Afternoon Carol!!

With hook in hand & hubby by our sides, let the games begin!!! he also likes it, when I get a little upset at a dumb play, because I always say, why don't you guys go to the right or left of the guys in the middle?? they run right up the center, & "dog-pile"!!! my hubby gets a big kick out of that. Yesterday one of the coaches was telling his player ,we think, just about the same thing I was saying, because with the coaches hand-motions it sure seemed like it!!! he could have made so many more touchdowns if he would have ran to either side:) . They won anyway, but still!!! A long time ago, I told our oldest son, when we were outside on the front grass, to RUN, & I would tackle him,he kind of laughed & told me that I couldn't do that because I'm not fast enough, well??? it was so funny:clap because I remember the look on his face when he was looking back at me laying on the grass, he told me"guy mom!! I didn't think you could do that"!!:eek

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I didn't realize that it's possible to just "watch" TV. I always pick up my crochet (or knit) while I'm watching TV.:D


Hi JazzRizz!!

I've been exactly the opposite!!! I didn't realize that I could watch tv, and crochet at the same time, it's fun, & I get a lot done:c9 , now my afghan I'm working on, stays on the couch to the left of me, my hubby sits by my right side, & we watch csi every night,& football games when they're on, have a great day!!

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I very nerdily marked American Idol on my calendar, but wasn't even aware this was an olympics year! How out of it am I?

When crocheting I usually watch E! or VH1 because I still have to look down at my work a lot, and those channels are usually just top 100 lists of hot people or the stupidest things celebrities have ever done, etc, so there isn't much need to really pay attention.

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