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Changing Colors many times throughout



I am crocheting an afghan using 3 different colors. I have to change colors several times on a row. How do I do this????

I know how to switch to the new color during the last step of the DC stitch but Do I CUT the color that I am leaving behind? OR do I somehow tie it???

Please write soon as I am working on this now and want to make sure I am doing it correctly. I am pressed for time since its going to be for my Son 11th birthday 2/10 and I am only on row 2!!!:eek

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4 answers to this question

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Well I was wondering since you have to change the colors so often could you carry the color instead of cutting it? Does that make any sense? Just pick up the new color like you normally would then crochet over the color that you aren't currently using and then when you need it again pick it back up? Now I don't think that I am exactly explaining it correctly and there are people here with more skill in their pinky than I have in my whole body and shadow so maybe they could help more. Good luck with the afghan for you son though.



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What you're describing is called tapestry crochet, Elizabeth, and it's just what you explained - carrying unused yarn strands inside the stitches you're making... I'm not sure how well it would work for an afghan, tho, since it would use more yarn for sure, and would probably create a stiffer fabric.


I know that patterns with lots of colors can be worked using bobbins, although I'm not sure how, since I've never done it. I believe Mary Jo has made a couple afghans using this method, maybe you might get in touch with her for some tips? [You can see the Disney Princess 'ghan she made HERE]


Also, if you haven't read it already, this thread might have some good information, too.

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i am only using 3 different colors throughout the afghan (white, navy, red) i am making the confederate flag for my son. he is too young to know the history behind the flag but old enough to know he just likes it since it reminds him of the dukes of hazzard! LOL. still would like to know how to change the colors . i think i will try working the yarn in.......i dont have a clue of any other way to do it.

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I figured out the technique of 'carrying the unused yarn along' behind my stiches by practicing on small squares that didn't matter. It does make sense, when you see it. For me, it only works well for darker colored yarns (the carried yarns showed through for me with lighter colors). I smooth that unused strand along behind the top of the row I will be working. I pretend the yarn strand I'm carrying along is part of the next stitch I'm going into, and just work into each stitch as I normally would, including that extra strand.Clear as mud? :lol

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