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learn crochet as gift

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I gave my oldest daughter, well she's about to be 30, all the tools to relearn crochet she knew how as a child and was hinting around about wanting me to teach her. So I got her all the hooks and crochet her a hook case and a CD to learn and book etc.

She took off like a horse out of a gate .............

She's pretty fast already can read a pattern her stitches are nice and and neat and she's really enjoying her self, I have ponded off a bunch of yarn to her and yesterday she bought another hook............

I think shes a hooker now:rofl

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That's an awesome story, but don't you know it's not nice to talk about your daughter that way ....oh wait, hooker is a good thing, here. :P


Perhaps the two of you could do a similar project and have your own little 'crochet-along'.

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