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yarn snafus = win

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Hi everyone!


I have been around very little recently :( because of all the holiday hoo ha. I am finally getting back to normal (just in time to start grad school in a week :eek ). Things have been sooo hectic and crazy, so I wanted to share this little piece of news because I was so pleased! Sometimes the tiny things help.


Yesterday, I "penned" two emails, one to Lion and one to Caron. Before Christmas, I discovered that the two purse patterns I was using on their web site, with their yarn, required much more yarn than the patterns stated. I went through this whole ordeal trying to sort it out. So I emailed them yesterday to let them know I was displeased because of this. In my response, they said:


I would like to make ammends with you and would to know

if you would like replacements of the same yarn or try a

different one that is of equal value to the yarns you used.

Please let me know what you would like us to do.


How about that...! I can't believe it. Now I have to decide what I'd like and see how they're going to go about it. :)


The second email was to Caron. I adore Bliss yarn, but had never used it before. I started a scarf with it and not even halfway through the skein I'd already had two knots!! I couldn't believe it. 82 yard skein and two knots already. I was miffed to say the least. So yesterday as well I emailed them about it. Today I received an email back stating that they'd send me two complimentary skeins!


So, just wanted to share that. Yay to Lion and Caron for such quick responses! My mom always taught me to complain when you're displeased with products, and it's always served me well. Case in point. :)

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don't ya love companies like that. i always if there is a problem bring it to their attention. i recently complained to breyers as the ice cream i had bought 3 times was about half full, they sent me 3 coupons for free ice cream. i will of course continue to buy their product. a good company to me is one who will make good when there is a problem and also will listen to the consumers as without them there would be no company and the ones who are good ones know this. so i say yea to both lions and caron, i love their yarns myself. good job and your mama taught ya right about complaining. if ya want to change something


youhave to bring it to someones attention good or bad, i always if a employee has gone out of his/her way to help me, bring it to the managers attention as i feel that they deserve praise also. just my:2c :hug :hug

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