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Warming China's Children


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Holly, my husband mailed out a box of sweaters to you yesterday. He told me yesterday evening that he would go to the UPS store and mail them for me. So I was in a big hurry. I had the last two sweaters in the dryer. (I like to wash anything I make and donate because we have a cat). Well, as soon as they were dry I packed the box up and sent it with him. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to put in a note to you. I wanted to thank you for what you are doing and to ask you if this is going to be an ongoing need. If it is let me know and I'll keep making more blankets. Also, is there anything else they need. Crocheted/knitted slippers, etc?? I'll try to send you some money to help with the shipping of the sweaters to China. I'm sure that it must be expensive.



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Karin, thank you so much! I can't wait to see them :clap Don't worry about no note, I have done the "gotta get this box outta here NOW" dance myself plenty of times :D


As far as if it will be an ongoing need.....yes. This particular orphanage needs sweaters over everything else, but there are lots of other orphanages that could use any warm item. So hats, booties, slippers, blankets... I'll take anything anything.


Now, for shipping costs...yes it is expensive but I don't want anyone to feel like they are expected to contribute to the shipping. You all are being so generous in making the items and getting it to me, I feel like the least I can do it cover the shipping from here to there :hug. I'm directly shipping the sweaters to my person in China, but I'm also making contact with other adoptive parents who will be traveling soon and are willing to carry things over in their luggage.


You guys are the best!


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Glad you like them! I finally found the yarn that was hiding and have finished the 4th sweater. So I'll be sending out 2 more soon. These 2 are much smaller than the first 2 and I only used 1 strand of yarn.

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You are so welcome, Holly! They were so much fun to make. I'm glad they will be going to a good cause. Thanks you for taking the initiative and organizing this wonderful idea. Good luck with your own adoption! :hug

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Waiting to get packed up!



You ladies are the best!!!! :wangel


Monie, I got your sweaters & hats today. Adorable!!! The little burgandy one... do you remember the name of the pattern/book that was from? Soooooo cute!!!


Barbara, I got two more of your sweaters today too!! So little and precious!!!


Thanks to all of you, 18 more babies will be warm very soon! I got a note from my lady in China..the first box was delivered to her on Christmas Day!

How's that for timing? :yay


And yes, I will keep taking them for as long as people feel like making them!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Glad you're still collecting for these babies- I've found some suitable yarn and a couple of patterns to try and will be starting one tonight- just as soon as I've got the kids to bed :)


Thanks for organising this:manyheart

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