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Following a pattern

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I'm not terribly creative and like being told what to do. I always follow the pattern exactly the first time through. Occasionally if I have a brainstorm I'll make some changes on any that follow.

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Most of the time I follow the pattern that I chose to crochet, however, when I'm counting the stitches, as I crochet, & they are wrong,as I read the pattern, I'll crochet it as I think it ought to be.


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:hookHi SuzieQ

it's nice to meet you!! I try to follow a pattern, but sometimes some patterns aren't real accurate, & it frustrates me, because if the people that wrote out the patterns took all that time to do that, atleast it could count out right. Most patterns are right though. I really enjoy crocheting, for me, it's very relaxing:hook.. :coffee I am starting another afghan today:) :hook:D ...:clap :clap

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Do you follow a pattern word for word or do you change it a little as you go?


I usually follow the first time, then I change it the next. Tonya


I never make anything the same way twice, because I want everything I make to be unique, even if only in a miniscule way.


I never follow a pattern "exactly"... I usually change something about it,

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