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Wool Allergies?

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I woke up this mornig with a rash on both of my forearms. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to my meds, at which point I'm supposed to stop taking immediately.:P But then I started thinking, maybe it was the yarn? I started a purse last night with 100% wool, and I've never used wool before. Is it possible that the wools the problem, not my meds? I don't have the rash anywhere else, though you'd think I'd have it on my hands, too. Anybody else have wool problems?

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I don't have wool allergies, but I have read on the forum somewhere, that you should tie a piece of the yarn around your wrist for a day and see if you "develop" a reaction. If you do, then obviously you are allergic to wool. However if you are taking meds that a rash could be a side effect I would consider that also. Maybe you can call your doctor and see what he thinks. Is it safe to continue taking the meds for another day or two or to stop taking them while you try the yarn test? Maybe you can keep taking the meds and stop working with the wool for a day or two, see if the rash continues? Hard to make a judgement call. I would go with whichever one is medically safest for you. If it is dangerous to continue taking the meds, if you are allergic, then you should stop or consult your doctor. I would call and tell the doctor/pharmacist your symptoms and then say that you have also been working with wool for the first time and may have an allergy to that. Then they can give you an informed decision.


You would think that your hands would be affected more than anything, but it is still possible that it is a wool allergy even if it is up on your arms. Allergies are nothing if not unpredictable, they can be the weirdest thing around and no two people will have the same reaction to the same allergen.

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I woke up this mornig with a rash on both of my forearms. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to my meds, at which point I'm supposed to stop taking immediately.:P But then I started thinking, maybe it was the yarn? I started a purse last night with 100% wool, and I've never used wool before. Is it possible that the wools the problem, not my meds? I don't have the rash anywhere else, though you'd think I'd have it on my hands, too. Anybody else have wool problems?


Sometimes it is the dye. Some wool brands make me sniffle and others do not.

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Check with the doctor, it may well be a drug reaction. or it can be a combination...if my allergies in general are bothering me I'm more sensitive to wool and cats (and I own both). And breaking out from something doesn't always happen immediately. Years ago I broke out in hives so badly I had to go to the ER several times. My allergist/dermatologist figured it was something I'd eaten after we ruled out touching something, breathing something toxic, etc. It happened about 3 times several weeks or more apart. The only common factor we found was I'd eaten chocolate cake from a microwave mix (long discontinued) at least two of the times. But I can eat cake, I can eat chocolate, I can eat cake from a mix...go figure.


But when in doubt, especially if you are on ANY medication call the doctor, pharmacy, or go to the ER, do not mess around with a drug allergy. They can be nasty. I can't take asprin or any relative thereof...Mick Jagger lips are not fun.

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