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I'm not sure how my wrist is holding up...

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I'm working on a project that I'm super excited about - for the past 3 days, I've crocheted as fast as I can, as much as I can (here and there during the day, and then a 3-or-4 hour block after my son goes to bed).


I think my wrist is starting to feel the strain. Just a little, just a little sore, a bit stiff. Other than taking a break ( :eek ) is there some way I can cushion my wrist, or wrap it, or something, to keep from hurting myself?


Advice is much appreciated...

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You can get craft gloves that fit snuggly and are suppose to help ease the tension. They are not obtrusive. Some people swear by them and others don't see a difference. I know how getting excited to complete a project can cramp up your hands. I switch to a different project with a different size hook or even knit or cross stitch for a short while and then go back to it.

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I'm having the same problem. I bought a stretchy glove thing from Wal-Mart, that has a velcro wrist wrap attached. 2 come in a package. I think it helps somewhat, but I have to stop frequently and just stretch and rest my hand.:P

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I use a Hand-eze glove and support my arm while I work (rest it on the arm of the chair or a table). You could try taking an aspirin or an ibuprofen before working and take a break every 15-30 minutes to stretch your hand.


Speaking from experience, though, you're going to have to take it easy or you could really hurt yourself. I've got carpal tunnel and tendonitis in my elbow and shoulder and it's almost all from crocheting and my "no pain, no gain" attitude. :ohdear I had to lay off crocheting for several years :irk and I still have to be careful. Grrr.

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:lol :lol :lol :lol OMG - Melissa! I went to your blog again and read about the sweater... I'm ROTFLMAO! You're killing me. So funny!


thanks for the laugh... hope your wrist hangs in there... you know what they say about moderation??? Ha ha...


feel better! :hug

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your blog is funny and I love the things that you have done. I like the pony do you have a pattern that you would not mind sharing. My oldest granddaughter is 2 and she has a lil pony (plastic) she calls sasha . I would love to try and make her a bigger one. Good luck on your sweater its very pretty

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