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Graph ghan??



Hello 'ville!!!

Long time! I've been busy the past year with my new baby and haven't had much time to come visit. He's a year old now!

I'm wracking my brain on what to make for my mom. It's her 70th birthday in a few weeks and I'd like to make something. She likes angels and I found this graph for a granny square ghan... however it's like 450 little squares. That would take me all year to do! I was thinking it might work up faster as a C2C?? I've never done a C2C graph ghan though. What do you think? Do you think that's a viable idea? Would this chart work as a C2C? I could change the skirt design a bit...🤷‍♀️

Hope you are all well!!




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I think this might be a centerpiece of a bigger afghan, but it would be tiny even in C2C.  Assuming 3DC is 1" square (which I think is a little big, but just to illustrate), the above is only 19 squares wide, so pretty tiny by itself.  But if you did it C2C, and added a 15" border all around (either re-graph it so it's all C2C, or just DC all around), 19"+ 30"=49" wide, so not an unreasonable lapghan size widthwise.

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Hi Josy, welcome to the 'ville.  Your link has a virus, I suggest you delete the link in your post and get a more robust virus protection for your device.

Were you looking for patterns for keychains fobs? 


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