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Not sure what to do! Help please!



Hi Can anyone help me. I know what all the abbreviations mean but no idea what to do! Please help it’s for my sisters birthday. I got up to round 5 and then got stuck.

5. Dc1 +[inc, dc 3]*5+inc+dc2

6.[dc 4 inc]*6

7.dc 2+[inc,dc 5]*5+inc+dc3

8. [dc6, inc]*6

9-18 dc in each stich

 19. [dc 6 dec]*6      This happens to be the same just decreasing the number of dcs in each row until row 23


ifanyone can explain what I’ve to do it’d be so helpful. Thanks.



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Welcome to the 'ville!

This is a (somewhat) unconventionally written pattern; there are strict symbols and punctuation rules for crochet patterns that really need to be followed to be intelligible to others, but nowadays when anyone can write a pattern and try to make money selling it. Grrr.

A * denotes the start of a phrase that will be repeated in crochet, period.  If you use spreadsheets in school or work you know it is also a symbol for multiplication, and that is what the designer is meaning here; they are also using the + sign which is unconventional but at least it means the same thing (edit, sort of, as in plus meaning 'and' or 'and next').

What is happening in lines 5 & 6 is similar to the ones that follow, so hopefully will help you 'translate' the rest.

5. Dc1 +[inc, dc 3]*5+inc+dc2 conventionally written is: 1 DC, *increase, 3 DC; repeat from *4 times more (a total of 5 iterations). Inc, 2 dc

6. [dc 4 inc]*6  conventionally written is  *1 DC. increase in the next 4 stitches; repeat from * 5 times more (a total of 6 iterations)

Just throwing this out there - if a pattern just says some number of a specified stitch and doesn't tell you where to put them--example 6 DC or DC 6, it means 1 DC into each of the next 6 stitches.  It does not mean 6 DC into the next stitch, if it meant that it would say exactly that.  

Edited by Granny Square
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Actually if you look * appears no where in the original pattern.  X is used which makes more sense. 

+ appear where we would normally see a comma 

Edited by bgs
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